Redshirt who doesn't die
I think The Magic Kingdom may be exploding behind me. I'm not going to turn around to look. I might be sent back to the Underworld.
Moral of the story, don't fuck with Mother Russia haha.
I've just spent my first day over with the ENTJ's - they're already after my blood - they are literally like the hounds of fucking hell.
My right ear has been clogged for over a week. This last happened several years ago, and it may have been allergy triggered. No amount of "poking, prodding, scraping, put stuff in" helped. After 2 weeks it simply cleared up on its own. I'm thinking I have some kind of fluid in my middle ear. I could try a hot compress but I've been too lazy.
A similar procedure is usually performed by GPs with a large syringe full of warm water to flush it out, but it does not work anywhere near as well, and often makes the issue worse.