*Silent antagonist*
Ah, blatant titles, how very helpful.
Yes as you have gathered from my illustrious label, your dearest Melkor is currently in a state of self induced super-passive bliss. Directly, if you count it was by my hand, indirectly if you count that I'm prescribed to the things, and have been for years, yet never take them. My 'condition' is fabled and debatable, so many of you will sneer if I even mention it alongside medication, as such, I will not.
It is both wonderful and slightly eerie.
I note that things which aught to depress me severely are battered aside, that things as normal as swaying trees are suddenly hypnotic, and that my capacity to love every individual I encounter is increased tenfold.
Other effects seem to be, so far as I can detect
- a loss of appetite,
-less of an inclination to speak (Normally I speak rarely, and only out of awkward silence or in response to a question, but now, I won't talk unless I absolutely want to),
-when I do speak, I seem to only want to discuss very structured and logical topics, or at least, ones which require deep thinking to approach, such as the composition of the Japanese script(s), my reasons for following light atheism, possibly outcomes of the future for humanity and politics, the various impossibilities of time name a few examples of the past few days.
(Oddly, I will speak of this to anyone, with little or no input from them, ha, in most cases the other person asks me to stop or leaves hurriedly)
-an occasional very confusing moment were my head feels light and full of static, and I feel as though I am in mental pain, like depression, but so blurry and befuddled, I do not even know why...a moment of sentience, or a mental after-taste from the pills?
-If I decide to do something, I seem to be much more determined to see I through in this state... I am less easily distracted in this dream.
-I have become lazier....less inclined to do anything physical....even things so small as cleaning...I have slowed down.
-Last night I slept quite poorly until six or so in the morning, I spent most of the night reading Evelyn Waugh's 'A handful of Dust' while scribbling things on the inside cover. I do not imagine I have a particular reason for doing this, however, I can see a rather blatant one, acting perhaps subconsciously...
I am ignoring it for now, further proof is needed before judgement is cast, and how to detect the subconscious, can we ever truly know that which we cannot see?
And yet...a confusion of selves is brought into play...
Ought I not, as one person, be entirely unaware or the fact that this change has changed place, at least within the boundaries of my mind?
By which I mean, while it makes sense that I notice a change in mood, it makes no sense that I should be able to comprehend and compare both moods simultaneously.
At current, for example, I know that once this high ends, I will abruptly return to depression, I will be weary, hungry, full of hatred, and I will feel as if I have betrayed myself for taking the weaker path, for evading suffering, suffering which is well deserved and well justified... almost all consuming supernova in the corner of my eye...
But how can I know this? Surely, in my overjoyed other self I should be incapable of contemplating such a meagre state.
Is this because the feelings are merely superficial? These effects merely a coating, being changed to better protect the mind, the real me sheltered beneath the layers, thus allowing introspection of these layers?
Oddly, this theory is subverted by the following observation;
-When in *the other mood* or rather, the debatable real and default mood, I find it difficult to comprehend or even imitate the thought of my current mood...
That means the outer layers cannot exist as mentioned, if self-study requires the bulk of my mental apparatus, then I should be capable of analysing any mood regardless of which I am wearing....Unless... some layers are greater than others, and shadows are cast appropriately...
Can a sad clown playing happy cards acknowledge happiness?
What are these shadows?
To whom do these faces...masks..... belong?
Am I even real?
Yes as you have gathered from my illustrious label, your dearest Melkor is currently in a state of self induced super-passive bliss. Directly, if you count it was by my hand, indirectly if you count that I'm prescribed to the things, and have been for years, yet never take them. My 'condition' is fabled and debatable, so many of you will sneer if I even mention it alongside medication, as such, I will not.
It is both wonderful and slightly eerie.
I note that things which aught to depress me severely are battered aside, that things as normal as swaying trees are suddenly hypnotic, and that my capacity to love every individual I encounter is increased tenfold.
Other effects seem to be, so far as I can detect
- a loss of appetite,
-less of an inclination to speak (Normally I speak rarely, and only out of awkward silence or in response to a question, but now, I won't talk unless I absolutely want to),
-when I do speak, I seem to only want to discuss very structured and logical topics, or at least, ones which require deep thinking to approach, such as the composition of the Japanese script(s), my reasons for following light atheism, possibly outcomes of the future for humanity and politics, the various impossibilities of time name a few examples of the past few days.
(Oddly, I will speak of this to anyone, with little or no input from them, ha, in most cases the other person asks me to stop or leaves hurriedly)
-an occasional very confusing moment were my head feels light and full of static, and I feel as though I am in mental pain, like depression, but so blurry and befuddled, I do not even know why...a moment of sentience, or a mental after-taste from the pills?
-If I decide to do something, I seem to be much more determined to see I through in this state... I am less easily distracted in this dream.
-I have become lazier....less inclined to do anything physical....even things so small as cleaning...I have slowed down.
-Last night I slept quite poorly until six or so in the morning, I spent most of the night reading Evelyn Waugh's 'A handful of Dust' while scribbling things on the inside cover. I do not imagine I have a particular reason for doing this, however, I can see a rather blatant one, acting perhaps subconsciously...
I am ignoring it for now, further proof is needed before judgement is cast, and how to detect the subconscious, can we ever truly know that which we cannot see?
And yet...a confusion of selves is brought into play...
Ought I not, as one person, be entirely unaware or the fact that this change has changed place, at least within the boundaries of my mind?
By which I mean, while it makes sense that I notice a change in mood, it makes no sense that I should be able to comprehend and compare both moods simultaneously.
At current, for example, I know that once this high ends, I will abruptly return to depression, I will be weary, hungry, full of hatred, and I will feel as if I have betrayed myself for taking the weaker path, for evading suffering, suffering which is well deserved and well justified... almost all consuming supernova in the corner of my eye...
But how can I know this? Surely, in my overjoyed other self I should be incapable of contemplating such a meagre state.
Is this because the feelings are merely superficial? These effects merely a coating, being changed to better protect the mind, the real me sheltered beneath the layers, thus allowing introspection of these layers?
Oddly, this theory is subverted by the following observation;
-When in *the other mood* or rather, the debatable real and default mood, I find it difficult to comprehend or even imitate the thought of my current mood...
That means the outer layers cannot exist as mentioned, if self-study requires the bulk of my mental apparatus, then I should be capable of analysing any mood regardless of which I am wearing....Unless... some layers are greater than others, and shadows are cast appropriately...
Can a sad clown playing happy cards acknowledge happiness?
What are these shadows?
To whom do these faces...masks..... belong?
Am I even real?