boradicus, I've undertaken similar experimentation before. If you're interested in that, search for a thread titled 'personality destruction', posted under my old 'XIII' account. The 'Mystically Transformed XIII' thread may be of some interest as well, given that it demonstrates a deliberate attempt to play an
extremely outgoing and compassionate role, equivalent to that which I associated with 'ENFPs' at the time. It also pertains to the process of transformation, and what permanence or lack of permanence underlays changing experiences of the world.
My 'damaged.goods' account (on this forum) is relevant as well, given that it was designed to elicit positive reactions, and given that it was constructed after my previous experiences and methodological errors.
The reactions I received on both accounts, and their causes, might be worth considering when you decide how you want to approach your project.
I don't know if you're interested in advice, but if you are, then mine is: above all, learn to listen
empathetically to the organic language of your own being. Above all, do not impose conditions
upon yourself by way of enforced modes of behavior or adherence to concepts, but instead work, progressively and consistently, upon drawing out the individual and subtle possibilities latent within you. If you do that, you have
much to gain.
I wrote this many months ago:
How would I summarize my approach? I'm afraid that I don't have a unified theory or coherent model to offer in lieu of NLP, but, as you've probably guessed, my approach is an experiential one.
My personality change experiments-- one example of my experiential approach-- finished some months ago. I'd agree that they were risky, given that they caused a psychological breakdown. I did go very, very far overboard, though. By my last emulation, I was using the following technologies:
-Intentional memory change. That is: deliberately overwriting my memories and creating believed-in 'past lives' in alignment with the emulated personality.
-Postural re-adjustment. I used Reichian bodily therapy to modify my body into a form facilitative of the emulated identity, which temporarily resulted in a kind of bodily equivalent of schizpophrenia.
-Adapted deity yoga. I took the Hindu technique and adapted it so that I was effectively reaching ecstatic states while considering the imagery etc. of the current personality.
-Sensory overload. I found sensory input which reinforced the personality (music etc.) and submerged myself in it.
-Anchors (yes, that's adopted from NLP). I created anchors-- both hand gestures and pieces of clothing and jewelery-- and reinforced them throughout emulations so that I could, literally, clothe myself in or change out of a personality at will.
-Mental tyranny.
-A lot of other things.
Nevertheless, I learned more about myself than perhaps any other way would allow. I also learned that our brains and bodies are fragile and function by virtue of various subtle homeostatic states; consequently I take a very different approach now. Instead of imposing identities upon myself, I learn the organic language of my own body and mind. Instead of colonising myself with external personalities, I allow the diversity and intricacy of my own to come into view, and to sing its own song.
Also: by heaven, use
The Feldenkrais Method if you use nothing else. It will enhance your progress dramatically. I recommend starting with this course:
Other than that, I largely recommend avoiding self-development courses, NLP, and other such fields. I've been aware of the communities centred around such pursuits for years now, and the
embodied result that they produce-- not their rhetoric or claims, but their actual effect-- is very rarely a beautiful or numinous one. The way you're approaching things now is much more valuable, because it is direct, flexible, and personal.
'Thou art the way'-- subtle, kind, and
honest self-discovery is the key. Feldenkrais can be an aid in that, as can typology, but it is your own unique organic complexity that will provide the gateway to infinitely novel and adaptable modes of experience. There are always new subtleties to tune into, and new realms of yourself to explore: it's far more rewarding to discover and draw your own maps than to take somebody else's word for what's out there.
(I should note that I'm probably not an 'INTP', and am probably a very different
type of person than you. I think that my comments above may still be of some usefulness, despite that.)