Actualized Type: INFP (almost 50/50 split in T/F and N/S dimensions)
Preferred Type: INFP (exact 50/50 split in T/F dimension, reflects my dual need to insert myself into the consciousness of any given person and perceive as valid the invariably myopic life experience which colors their wanton interpretations of reality, as well as to act as a disembodied conscious entity in order to perceive things as they truly are in the indifferent eyes of pure-as-possible logic and data, i.e. INFP with healthy Te/Ti)
Attraction Type: INFP [initial reaction is to think that another INFP would be boring...but test says I want an INFP with significantly higher Extraversion and Judgment scores, that would help me equilibrate myself, fact, now that I remember, my last serious attraction was to just such a woman. Can't deal with the ENF (Sensors are likely out of the question due to communication and interest issues) types very well: they live in a sea of people and follow the crowd too much -- most upsetting. ENTs are a possibility, but ENTJ may be too mechanical and unfeeling, and ENTP...that might work, actually. INJ types are considerably less sexy than the INPs, more high-strung and whatnot, but INFJ might be nice (INTJ seems less feasible as they are more robotic). INFP and INTP women would probably hit the spot, with a preference for INTP due to the "exotic" factor...but then practical considerations might suffer...]