It is for transsexuals, of which there is a growing number these days.
Most states now have plans in place to simplify gender marker changes on drivers license. Even passport changes have been simplified.
As for the gender neutral toilets, I think that really only affects transsexuals and such, it would help but I don't think it is the logical next step from where we are right now.
They're also called "family bathrooms," since families sometimes use them. Plus, some people aren't bothered by gender-neutral bathrooms.
Learning to use the other bathroom is something transgendered people just have to do.
What do you mean by the "other" bathroom? Their old bathroom? Or their new?
Typically it's the
non-transies that get pissy about the obvious transpeople in their bathrooms, it's not the transpeople. They're typically fine using bathrooms that correspond to their identified gender. And using their old bathroom while looking like the new gender, especially for someone born male dressed as a female and/or transitioning to female, is like to get the crapola beaten out of them.
Except the hormone increase from one shot only lasts a week on average. Your genetics are what determine the hormone levels your body aims for. If there is an article from a reputable source that explains your point I would be happy to read it. I still don't completely agree that homosexuality and transgenderism are completely hormonal. Also, this doesn't address intersex or hermaphrodite persons, where the issue to be addressed would occur during prenatal development.
There are particular windows of time in development (usually before birth) where hormone influxes impact gender differentiation, although there are also surges after birth depending on natural gender.
We already know that rats and other test animals show cross-gender sex orientation if those windows are exploited by researchers to pump them full of cross-gender hormones. XY rats will behave and present as females sexually, even when their genitalia is still male; and vice versa. It's not a far cry to intuit that human beings (and other animals) have the same mechanisms in place; it's simply that human beings are capable of choosing to override instinct and feelings in the process of adaptation... so even if someone identifies as one thing and is in great misery trying to be something they aren't, they can still try to do it if overall it seems to offer the largest chance for survival.
You have got to be kidding I the only one who thinks society is taking a turn for the worst?
Yeah, apparently.
You cannot just deny gender. This makes me laugh a bit. Male and female are not one in the same...they are different. If you are a male, you are a male, and if you are a female, you are a female. People are so against sexism that they want to remove the differentiation between the two? That is like saying "I do not like black, so I refuse to say you are black and instead will say you are white." But he is still black...
Race is different than gender in many many ways.
If you have a dick, you are a guy. If you don't, you are a girl. Accept that fact and move on. Girls have a bit of trouble with emotions while guys have an overly powerful sex drive which in turn, acts as a catalyst to build muscle faster than women. That fact is irrefutable. High testosterone levels create faster muscle building. Men have higher levels so obviously, they build muscle faster. In turn, this tends to make men 'stronger' physically since not as much work is required.
Yes, there are bio-tendencies based on hormonal differentiation starting in the womb, even affecting brain mapping, that take the same basic "human template" and differentiate it. I think there's a wide variety of outcomes, and some of them even overlapping, within gender, so while we can discuss "tendencies" for each sex, we can't specifically say that a particular individual will be "X, Y, and Z." We can only generalize.
Conclusion: America has some serious issues as it currently stands. They are trying to hard to be 'equal' that they in turn, are just playing with the laws of nature and saying it is simply how someone 'is'. That is like homosexuality. A cause for homosexuality is currently being researched, and a cure is as well. Currently, it may have to do with a hormone imbalance created at birth. If all goes well, we may have the life cycle restored in the next decade.
Here's where you stop knowing what you're talking about.
One positive is that is science urrently being tested to fix hormonal imbalances, so hopefully, these problems may end up resolving themselves. Assuming sexuality is derived from hormone balance in the first place, we should have sexuality put back in check in the next decade. That being said, people will not have to worry about identity as their hormones will define their proper sex which will fix this issue.
Since I've been reviewing this research topic for the last twenty years (especially gender brain differentiation), as far as I know, your idea of one shot after birth to fix such things make no sense whatsoever.
As for my previous point, women DO tend to be more emotional as estrogen levels tend to be higher.
Estrogen is an interesting hormone, in that it seems to connect the emotions and thinking more to the body. Emotions thus resonate through the body and there can be autonomic responses like crying when scared or upset. Men seem to be far more easily able to overtly detach emotion from body and remain stoic.
Plastic surgery will only make you a freak. This liberal movement in my opinion, is disgusting.
Both of these statements, not just the second, are opinions.
And if you're discussing transpeople at this stage (who are different from homosexuals), sorry you find it easy to label an entire demographic of people as "freaks" because they're resolving a situation that is well-known in trained psychological circles to have no other viable recourse; the case study literature makes it clear that a medical solution has been overwhelmingly successful in restoring them to functionality and contentment, vs therapeutic methods meant to somehow reprogram the mind.
Who should we trust? An entire body of established researchers and doctors (psychiatrists, surgeons, and endocrinologists) who have worked for decades with patients suffering from a particular condition, or some random guy on a small typology web site who thinks such people are freaks?
Don't answer that.