the Void
I got INTP... expected pretty much
Anyone who scored INTP: you are now officially narcissists.
I got INFP, but I'd also be fine with an ENFP.
ISFJ...I've never identified a female ISFJ before, but my best friend in high school was an ISFJ. Also I've met an ISTJ female, she was a total bitch, but if I was in her circle I imagine it'd be different. I think I'd prefer T over F.
WTF do these numbers mean?INFP - The Healer
You scored 50 I versus E, 0 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 20 J versus P!
Yea there was great platonic chemistry. I noticed how they love to tell situational white lies for amusement. I didn't really like that though because it made it hard to tell when they were really down (they can seem very pokerfaced/mad/sad when they want to be). What sucks is that I think their type is the most prone to panic attacks and depression (same goes for ESFJ) due to the amount of loyalty they have and expect.I have a couple ISFJ friends. They're actually great friends, potentially partners. Both of the said friends are serious bookworms, which is a plus. They both understand the need to be antisocial on occasion, but know their way around in a party setting. They're both pretty frank considering their Fe, and won't beat around the bush too much. It's also touching how loyal they both are. I'm confident either of them would do most anything for me. Both are also quite smart, and can usually keep up with my thought processes so long as I keep my head out of the clouds for the most part.
It's definitely helpful that they share the same functions as INTPs, though in a different order. The main downside for me is that they mistakenly think I'm purely random, even though nearly all my zany ideas are logical. They all branched off from an original idea/observation in an Ne-like fashion.