*Sigh* Right,I see this is getting very personal and emotional and that is certainly not good.I see many posts laced anger and annoyance.
Since I support the idea of resolving the issue with peaceful cooperation I'm going to try and explain here my thoughts and conclusions about the problem we seem to have here.
I essentially agree with Anthile's post and I will clarify further on that.I'm not personally attacking or insulting anyone,I just strongly disagree with the way the channel has been managed so far.
- I noticed a significant amount of hypocrisy in the way the bans and kicks are issued.This is mainly done on a whim of the operator and what they themselves consider annoying or obnoxious.Example:
The females in the channel are very often the targets of extremely vulgar and sexual jokes,things that even border on cybersex,yet nothing substantial,except for an occasional kick or a verbal warning has ever been done about this.
- I question the way why certain people get to be the operators in the channel.Primely Groosalugg,who is not a member of the forum,let alone an admin/mod there,a person who acts the same as FacetiousPersona and Melkor(whose behavior is greatly frowned upon)or even worse.Why is such a person made a half operator and given the right to moderate the channel and remove people from it?
This is what I'm referring to:
18:35.17 {Groosalugg} !k rosaline I can still kick you.
18:35.18 ••• Midnight has kicked rosaline from #intpforum.com stating I can still kick you. (Groosalugg)
18:35.18 ••• Joins #intpforum.com: rosaline (
something@fire.flies )
18:35.21 {Ogion} !info
18:35.32 {Groosalugg} /msg botserv help
18:35.38 {Ogion} yea
18:35.43 {@Anthile} So why can Groosa kick people for fun?
18:35.44 {rosaline} oh
18:35.52 {Ogion} uhm
18:35.57 {Ogion} because Groosalugg is halfop
- The bot Midnight,which was an extremely strict rules enforcer.Any use of a "bad word",caps,or repeating the same line only 3 times would result in a kick by the bot.3 kicks=ban,which would be removed 30 minutes later by another bot in the channel.Also the matter of these rules not applying to anyone above regular user on the channel.I'm not implying the ops would abuse this,but the mere fact that they had the freedom of doing so,while others didn't is an example of double standard.
Note that I am aware the bot and Groosalugg as an h-op have been removed,but I felt this was important to address in any case.
- On the matter of other rooms.I don't really have much against them.They might cause damage to the community in the long run,because they'll be taking away the users and changing the atmosphere in the main channel.(which wasn't always so bad.)I do agree we need some guide lines for behavior as excessive profanity and personal attacks aren't everyone's cup of tea.But it would also be exaggerating to say that they are the bigger portion of the channel's activity,which they aren't.Please note that the insults and attacks were mostly jokes meant without any serious malevolent intention.Also I'm not going to say I never cussed or have been an exemplary user on the channel.Therefore I apologize if I've ever insulted anyone with a crude joke,remark or anything else.
As a suggestion,I think that every user needs to have a say in the making of these guide lines and I prefer that this be discussed in the forum as it allows for easier and clearer communication.
Final note:I'm not personally attacking or provoking anyone with this post,I'm only criticizing the decisions that have been made.