Yet you ended up taking Phoenix' side. And thus typing. I don't care "what sides" anyone's on. Just pointing out your contradicting yourself.
I didn't assert anything, much like I said I wouldn't.
That doesn't mean I won't tell Phoenix that I agree with her typing to some degree, just that I'm not going to make any attempt to force you into accepting this belief.
You're merely being defensive here. There was no contradiction.
Lobstrich said:
And which system might that be? Pod'Lair? If that's the case I'm now even more sure that I'm an INTP because Pod'Lair is like religion to. (That is.. Somehting I don't think is possible)
No, I have argued against aspects of Pod'lair on multiple occasions in the past.
I'm not at all closed-minded towards it, but they need to present a lot more proof, not of how they read people and what they see, but how that relates to what they claim it relates to.
Have you not read anything on typology beyond taking tests?
I'm not particularly intent on laying out the entire history here, but there are resources all over the forum to learn about this sort of stuff.
If you're interested:
Online Typology Resources
The only resources missing from there are Socionics, which you could ask EyeSeeCold about if you're interested.
But we're talking about INTP and ENFP. Are we not talking about MBTI then??
This is a major problem with a lot of these discussions which causes a lot of confusion for all parties involved, everybody is speaking a different language, using different theories that are mostly related in terminology and their attempts to define a similar phenomenon.
- Phoenix is (probably) using a hybrid of Jungian Cognitive Functions and integrating her minor understanding of Pod'lair into it as well as some modifications from experience.
- Artsu (assuming he was serious) is using Socionics, a little of Skywalker's theory, and parts of what he understands of Pod'lair, along with personal experience on the subject. (as far as I'm aware)
- I'm using my own theories which used Jungian Cognitive Functions as a starting point but which don't much resemble them any more, it's less about answering every question as much as questioning every answer and providing alternatives that are more logically consistent.
- And you are using MBTI.
The last paragraph of my last post was meant to explain this, but you seem to have chosen to have taken it personally instead.
You'll notice after the break in my post I switch from addressing you to talking about you in the third person, meaning I was no longer directly speaking to you.
Lobstrich said:
My justifications?? I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not trying to justify anything.
You are justifying your belief that you are an INTP and are not an ENFP.
If you weren't justifying anything you wouldn't be presenting argumentation against Phoenix, which you clearly are.
I admit I could have worded it a tiny bit better, but I think it should be clear enough to understand without diving into semantics.
Lobstrich said:
But it'd be more valid if I were to take the "official test"?
Also.. How are yours and Phoenix' typing more accurate than whatever test I've taken? What if I hadn't taken a test? What if I just read up on INTP and thought "Hmm.. This really fits me" What if I read 2 lines on each of the letters and then decided to type myself? In the end, like I've said a at least 10 times by now. I know myself better than you do. It is impossible for you be 100% what type I am because you do not know exactly what I'm thinking. Say I claimed to be "ESFJ" and you went "No, you're an INTP" I could completely disregard what you're saying because you're only looking at me. You're not in me.
It would be more valid to an MBTI practitioner if you were to take the official test, most of the rest of us consider it as irrelevant as the MBTI theory itself.
The people who write the tests you've taken are usually very poorly read on typology and tend to overgeneralize or not put much thought into how the questions may be interpreted (in fact, I doubt writing an accurate typology test is even possible).
I'll leave it up to Phoenix to defend her own accuracy, but I assure you that despite my reservations towards joining in making claims towards anybody I have studied the topic quite extensively.
However, I'm only claiming I likely have more knowledge than those who generally make tests, which increases my ability to grasp many relevant concepts from multiple angles to develop an evolved understanding.
It doesn't mean I'm always correct and it tends to take a lot of observation before anybody can fine tune their ability to read others.
It will never be 100%, nor has anybody claimed such a thing.
Again, you're being defensive.
- - - - -
It doesn't matter how well you know yourself unless you understand how to use the system that you're placing yourself into. You can't claim you're INTP unless you understand what INTP is, which you are not even close to doing.
Lobstrich said:
I again, am confused by you saying "They are not speaking MBTI" When they use INTP and ENFP. That is to my understanding MBTI. I know typology was 'invented' before MBTI but INTP and ENFP are 'invented' by MBTI, no?
But yes. I know that being an ENFP or INTP does not necessarily make you into a person with predefined opinions and behaviour. You don't even have to get along with people people of mutual type.
I still think that my quote is relevant because when I read up on ENFP I could relate to almost non of it. But when I read up on INTP I could relate to almost all of it.
Much of the core theory of MBTI was borrowed from another theory, Carl Jung's, those terms are often borrowed as placeholders to refer to similar natural phenomenon in other typological models, but not intended to refer to the exact same thing.
It's why I was saying those of us not speaking in MBTI terms should refer to the types by their higher hierarchy functions, such as TiNe for INTP, to avoid confusion.
The MBTI type descriptions are not what Phoenix or anybody else is typing you with, so using them as argumentation against their claims doesn't make any sense.
Lobstrich said:
So because I do not use the proper terminology and because I've not read up on MBTI for 3 years, my opinion and what I have to say is just irrelevant? Right.. You're saying that a person who's not read up on MBTI does not know him/herself
And regardless of how much you know about MBTI it's impossible for you to claim you know what type I am. It is however possible for you to throw out what type you think I am. What I'm arguing is not so much what type I am. Because I think and will continue to think that I am an INTP. Unless you give me a link to whatever type you think I am, a link that will make me go "Wow.. This fits even more than INTP" Which I doubt you will. But I'll gladly read it if you do find such a link.
You may be INTP based on MBTI, we just see that theory as incorrect and we don't care what it types you as. It was developed from misunderstanding and attempting to popularize Jung's work, it's a poor attempt at simplifying something complex; like telling people that evolution is as simple as animals "changing" when they need to.
As I said earlier, you need the understanding to use the tools you have, no matter how much knowledge you may have on the subject of yourself if you don't understand the system of which you are classifying yourself with, then you can't claim to have a correct typing within it. (and even then, people make mistakes, it's why a lot of people end up retyping themselves long after they discover typology)
It does not mean we are correct, but it means it's unlikely you will be.
Lobstrich said:
But what I'm arguing is the way which you and Phoenix are putting your typing onto me. You're have this "I'm right" attitude. Which is like I mentioned something that really ticks me off.
Uops, there I went again and talked about somehting 'f'ey' instead of something objective. You're right, I must be an ENFP.
Mostly it's just you projecting and getting defensive over percieved slights, I've seen you argue before and I understand you will deny this, but I barely even mentioned your type except to point out that I agreed you were probably a higher hierarchy Fi user.
Lobstrich said:
They don't mean anything? They are rules made by the person who 'made' MBTI. It's like saying that it's fine to pick up the ball in a football match, because there's no reason such rules should be respected.
I'm not saying that you just can't pick up the ball. But if you do. You're no longer playing football. You're playing a new game.
Which brings me to this; If you and Phoenix are not "respecting" this rule you're essentially "playing another game" a game in which I'm an ENFP. The game I'm playing I'm an INTP.
Yes, that's the entire point. We're not playing the same game. If you had read my post a lot more carefully you would realize that's entirely why I got involved, to state that there was confusion in this debate and that it would get nowhere unless it was cleared up.
On the other hand, even if you are using a typology it doesn't mean every single claim in it has to be followed by the book. For example, if I decided I found the manner in which Pod'lair defined its function particularly accurate it doesn't mean I have to either agree with everything they say or scrap their entire theory. I can pick and choose. And those "rules" of MBTI are referred to as '
MBTI Ethics', they do not contribute to accurate typing and hence can be ignored, even were I an MBTI proponent.
Lobstrich said:
Exactly. Either is plausible. But you insist that you're take on it, is the truth.. Because I don't have (or use) the proper terminology.
"higher hierarchy Fi" This I don't understand. higher heriarchy? As in I'm very 'F'ey' or I'm past the "feelings" of F hence I don't do the whole family thing I explained to Phoenix, etc.? I don't know exactly what you mean by higher hierarchy.
Higher Hierarchy Fi means you have Fi in either Dominant or Auxiliary positioning within your cognitive hierarchy.
The types that have Fi in such a manner are INFP/ISFP/ENFP/ESFP.
Fi Dominants are INFP or ISFP and Ne Dominants are ENFP or ENTP. However, based on the subject of discussion it becomes clear that I'm referring to ENFP when I state Ne Dominant is plausible.
What I'm saying in my last post is that I think you're FiNe (INFP equivalent), but I'm agreeing that there is an argument to be had for NeFi, even if I doubt it is your actual type.
To go further, FiNe (INFP) have the cognitive hierarchy configuration of Fi-Ne-Si-Te while ENFPs have the cognitive hierarchy configuration of Ne-Fi-Te-Si.
There are way too many contributing factors with how the functions interact to explain in one post, especially if I intended to cover multiple theories, so you'll have to read up the rest on your own.
- - - - -
Keep in mind that when somebody says "I believe Lobstrich is 'x'" they're not speaking to you, they're speaking about you, which means that you need to address it not as an accusation, but as a statement of opinion. I've seen you make this mistake a lot with people.
Lobstrich said:
Avoid confusion? You keep saying that we're not discussing MBTI. But the second someone mentions INTP, ENFP, INTJ, ESTJ etc. You're discussing MBTI.
Nothing of the sort was said. I wasn't referring to
You with that post, I was using the general "you", which meant that what it stated applied to anybody it applied to.
It didn't apply to you since you are using MBTI, so you can just ignore it.