I have heard that microcontrollers can be reasonably programmed using far higher level languages than C without things taking forever. Am I wrong?Im doing the written programming for microcontroller using C language. Thats really sucks.
Personally, in school I was rubbish and/or bored with maths but found programming both easy and somewhat fulfilling.
I love programming....... it lead me to doing a computer science degree...........
The sad thing is that since graduating I haven done any programming in any of the jobs that i've had.
I think there's a very strong correlation between being a good programmer and being good at using language or writing.... \that's my observation.
intuitive understanding of the logic of language i should say..............
Doubt it. Well, your statement finishes with a confusing disclaimer, but
-my computer science professor is not a "word" guy
-many wordsmiths lack mathematical intelligence, which nearly all the natural programmers I know have
Am not sure I agree with you at all..............
What do you mean by he's not a "word" guy?
What doe you mean by "wordsmith"?
exactly what do you mean by "mathematical intelligence"?
The first thing I will say is that mathematics is about LOGIC and not numbers.
Numbers are a consequence of mathematics and logic.
The "mathematical intelligence" needed to excel in programming is that of understanding Logic most importantly at an intuitive level and not necessarily at a format academic level.
At the next higher level, we all understand that mathematics is a language. Again an not talking about arithmetic and algebra and what ever else..... am talking about at the level of predicate logic from which everything else flows.....
Now natural or human languages have an inherit logic in their use........ from the way words are spelt to how a words are combined to create new words.
Sentence structures have a logic that can be mathematically captured...... in other words there are rules about how you combine words to create a meaningful coherent sentence. This will involve subject and verb agreement, punctuation, etc.
And then structuring sentences to form meaningful paragraphs and eventually stories is an inherently logical process.
Now most of us never realise that writing this is an inherently logical/mathematical exercise.......... maybe because we were brainwashed into thinking that mathematics is about numbers..... but it is NOT.
Good writers have an intuitive understanding of the logic of language and writing and this usually makes the ones interested in programming excel at it..... from my observations....... this also helps because most of us code in higher level programming languages.
So while many writers may not formally know predicate logic, discrete math, differential equations and such.......... they have an intuitive understanding of logic, syllogisms, corollaries and the like...... and many will do well when provided the formal mathematical and programming information.
Perhaps your CS professor just memorised his way through undergrad and got lucky in postgrad.........