Re: still contemplating the fantasy/reality issue
People generally don't get off to magazines. They get off to the people in magazines.
There are no
people in magazines. They are photos - TV make-up & wardrobed, studio lit, photoshopped pieces of art. They are not real people.
Even if someone gets off to who he
imagines those images to be it's still just a photo, a mere vehicle for his fantasy.
And given the enormous variety of erotica available I think it's pretty presumptuous to make general statements about what people get off to. Ultimately what gets everyone off is the mechanical stimulation of a physiological response. The mind tricks required in this process will vary as much as people vary on everything else.
Affairs start in the head. What's going on physically during masturbation only involves one person, true, but mentally? Nope.
Strongly disagree.
Masturbation is self-focussed by default. There may be nothing going on mentally besides assessment of progress towards orgasm. No fantasy is required at all, much less fantasy involving another person.
Personally I couldn't think of
less effective sexual fantasy than imagining myself with someone I want in real life. Shared sex includes all the negotiations and insecurities of any human interaction. My imagination is just too good to prevent those mood killers from appearing in a fantasy.
Besides, when I want a real person I want the
real person, surprises and all, not a mental construct. Nor would I want to use someone I care about the way I use erotica. For me, the appearance of a real person in my sexual fantasy would more likely preclude an affair than start one.
Affairs probably could be traced back to an idea, but so what? It doesn't imply the idea itself led to the affair.
Abuse can also be traced back to an idea. The woman so obsessed with fidelity she checks all her husband's emails, text messages and credit card statements, limits all his social interactions to those than include her, constantly calls his office to make sure he's at work, who eventually finds something she considers 'proof' of an affair and reacts by destroying his property and publicly defaming him, also started out with just an idea.
If finding someone attractive is risking an affair, is being concerned about fidelity risking abuse? How concerned should we be about what goes on inside someone's mind?