It's not even that strong compared to what you can generally do with Improved Familiars anyway. A Small Elemental is a 5th level Improved Familiar, as shown here.
So nothing you're doing with it is actually that amazing considering what else is available in terms of familiars and in reality, you're actually gimping yourself by jumping the gun on a level 5 improved familiar instead of waiting for one of the stronger ones at level 7 :/
I'm reading this as written, as you're interpreting it the text should be "A gravity elemental is immune to all spells and spell like abilities that depend upon weight or mass", indeed the ability is called immunity to spells, not immunity to gravity.
Though yes common sense is your interpretation.
Reverse gravity still seems pretty good to me, the DC is CL and strength based, since it uses strength for its DC with the crush ability which is still under the Gravity Field header.
Edit: I could retrain the feat at 7th level, effectively taking it again, assumedly dismissing my familiar and spending the gold/time to find a suitable replacement.
That's the further context that makes me feel comfortable dismissing it as only mass-based effects.
But more importantly:
There are many people on forums that think that even without that interpretation, gravity elemental is just OP as a familiar, which in combination with being 3rd party content makes me strongly question it. I want to allow it because it looks fun, but I think I'd be remiss if I allowed it in the game with your predisposition towards abuse. If you're successful you turn the game on its head, if you're unsuccessful your character isn't fulfilling its intended purpose and you have a dull game -> you start harrassing me for reroll. It just seems like a bad idea, sorry.
If you go back to the last page I suggested some nerfing to make the familiar fair and without untyped spell immunity the only remaining problem is reverse gravity and I totally agree that should go, maybe even Engulf too.
The projectile immunity and ranged combat manoeuvres make the familiar worthwhile without it being able to one shot groups and atomize individuals.
I particularly like the utility of telekinesis, it lets me get non-flying characters into places normally only I'll be able to go, it also means the familiar can save my ass if something disrupts my ability to fly which could possibly kill Lilith outright.
- Telekinesis is 2/day and obtained at level 7.
- Reverse gravity is 1/day and is obtained at level 9.
- We are using the mass-spells immunity only interpretation. It loses evasion in order to intercept missiles correct?
Is that cool with you? I do want to see it used, just don't want every encounter to have to fall within particular specifications in order to be of any challenge.
Either way, please phrase all inquiries as to the legality of 3rd party content as an actual question. They're disallowed by default, you're asking for an exception. I was unaware that it was 3rd party, and I shouldn't have to check every option people passed my way for sources.
The 2/day hurts, pretty much denies all utility use, what about if lifting a creature requires that creature to be willing? Then it can't be used as a weapon, other than to trip, bull rush and whatnot, but can be used to move party members around.
Reverse gravity never really stops being OP, even once per day it's a fight ender.
- We are using the mass-spells immunity only interpretation. It loses evasion in order to intercept missiles correct?
You can choose to save it for utility purposes. A 5th level spell at will is... Just no. familiars aren't actually supposed to have spells this powerful afaik. Most familiars get cantrips or level one spells.
For comparison, the imp which is considered a very good familiar from the improved familiar list gets one fifth level spell, but can only cast it once a week. Twice a day is fourteen times that power level. Not to mention the seventh. I may have nerfed it but it's still very pushed.
Lol, yeah, don't worry Hado I'll just stick with the tumor familiar and get a Air Mephit when the time comes , with fast healing 2, DR 5/magic and Blur once per day for an hour it'll serve well for my Ally Shield purposes.
Can a Air Mephit summoned by an Air Mephit attempt to summon another air Mephit and if so how many times can this happen? Each time it's only a 25% chance of success so the odds of getting a lot of Mephits low (getting exponentially lower as the number increases) but on the off chance I'm really really really lucky what happens if I get an army of these things?
My impression is that he won't be responding again until he's back to join the game. his last post was four hours ago. I'm sure if he was here, he'd be trying to sell you on Time or Fission Elementals.
Not being proficient with that shield and armor really hurt her huh?
Also not having a longbow, kind of a big deal for a 1st level Zen Archer.
And Alchemist stats, so no wisdom AC bonus.
If she went into melee it wouldn't surprise me if she nearly died.
If she took that high initiative and went into melee first she's almost certainly dead now.
You can get the curse removed for 20 gold, but you also get a share in the gold for completing the mission -> so you'll be up some.
Your character was largely just NPCed sitting in the back rank. I don't feel comfortable actually making decisions for your character, especially since I've not really met her yet.
Your character was largely just NPCed sitting in the back rank. I don't feel comfortable actually making decisions for your character, especially since I've not really met her yet.
Not being proficient with that shield and armor really hurt her huh?
Also not having a longbow, kind of a big deal for a 1st level Zen Archer.
And Alchemist stats, so no wisdom AC bonus.
If she went into melee it wouldn't surprise me if she nearly died.
If she took that high initiative and went into melee first she's almost certainly dead now.
I was waiting for Hado to say, since I think he still has stuff to RP with you.
Ironically, the only person that almost died was Falisa. She was standing in the middle of the group, the mob attacked us without us attacking them first, and someone shot her with an arrow as she was just standing there doing nothing aggressive, almost killing her. Like I said, along with the "stink curse" she just had a horrible night.
I think Kahn might have taken damage, but he was actually being aggressive and can also soak damage.
Yeah I'm gonna run you through some stuff to bring you up to speed while still having made some actions yourself. It's not as good as having you there, but it's not as bad as having the full effect of your absence in the first session.
Cog dunt read this until you've given me decisions from my PM.
Group gold:
- gold for removing curse
- for puppies and collars
- 25 gold for potion for those that used it.
+ 20 gold for travel expenses
+ 300 gold for completing mission
Total: 320 - expenses
Group Experience:
+ 15xp for puppies yay! Dor gets 30xp for buying two!! RB only gets 14xp for not buying delicious puppy :3
+ 100xp for solving your curse issues despite not seeing the attacker
+ 300xp for completing mission without allowing anyone escape
+ 50xp for not blowing Prop Joe’s informant status
+ 50xp for keeping all civilians in tavern safe
+ 50xp for escaping from Tolosa street without major casualties (times class multiplier as below)
Erryone else: 1x XP (full caster types).
Remember, we’re using slow progression tables.
+ 50xp for daringly risking Tolosa street once more to get to market before closing. Again, with class multiplier.
Total: 615xp each
Individual Experience:
+ As above, Dor gets an extra 15xp for puppies
+ 35xp for crucial use of fog spell
+ 50xp for enabling my cunning darkhorse ruse, facilitating further player/character confusion DD
+ 150xp for backstory
+ 85xp for honour dishonour
+ 5xp for fishing those things up for me
+ 100xp for roleplay. Commitment to character has been high. Very fleshed out and consistent.
+ 85xp for honourable/dishonourable list
+ +150xp for backstory.
+ 50xp for pretty dashing introduction post and having more easter-eggs sewn into the hem than the worm impregnated corpse of our lord and saviour.
+ [background + honour/dishonour list?]
+ 50xp for class combat modifier
+ 100xp for making big last minute changes to address party weaknesses. This is a thank you, but also to make up for the lack of opportunity available to your new character due to late notice.
+ 20xp for slashing up some fool.
+ 30xp for other shanty related hamlord antics.
+ [I don’t have a *current* background]
+ 80xp for list
+ 100xp for class combat modifier
+ 150xp for back-story.
+ [Have I got a honourable/dishonourable list for your current character?]
+ Maybe more depending on decisions you make in the PM session.
+ 100xp for class combat modifier? What the hell are you atm? DDDD
- RB gets a small slap on the wrist for inciting a riot and hacking up a civilian. No penalty, but Rad’rax made a note that it reflected poorly on him and the people who work for him.
- Brita is gone. *sob*
+ Everyone will have access to non-magical goods from the market with their new gold before next session. Anything magic you need to pass by me first
+ I will be PMing people individually about some specifics.
For those confused about the honour/dishonour thing:
Okay, for those who've narrowed down their character choices, a little homework:
List ten things that your character thinks of as honourable for themselves to do. That is, a value they have that they will seek to align their actions with. This can include things that are generally considered dishonourable, such as stealing or biting the faces of people shorter than you. It's a very personal code of honour
Likewise, gimme ten things that your character will refrain from doing if at all possible.
I'll be shelling out experience for those that are well thought out, or particularly restrictive (so long as you're committing to roleplaying it).
This is not mandatory, the experience will help, but your character won't be substantially behind if you don't do it. Give 'em to me by PM.
This information will help inform me on how to write around your character, and also which traits to offer etc.
Both it and the backstory are entirely optional, but I will be dolling out a not-inconsiderable sum of experience, and it’ll help me write things in for you.
First session was low loot density with moderate-high experience, which is largely a result of me trying to get all the actual characters sorted out rather than the less important gear. I highly recommend the party cruise the markets, your characters have a week before they will next be called upon. PM me with anything you're thinking of doing in that week.
Feel free to mention anything if you feel I missed something.
Thanks for doing all that. You put in a lot of time to go through and figure all that out, although it might get to be tedious after awhile... most GMs just give a set amount for everyone (and maybe some kind of bonus for good role-playing) just because it can make the group level at very different rates + it complicates the GM's life. The puppies thing was interesting, I don't know where that might go in the future.
Just a minor bitch: I played a full caster because no one in the group was willing to do it, I think I'm easily the weakest character in the group in terms of abilities at the moment, I'm most likely to die (and almost did -- no one else even came close -- and it wasn't even because I really did something wrong, I have the lowest AC and HPs most likely)... but I'm getting docked a full half of experience of the 2x folks.
This means when they are level 5, I'll still be level 2, and it's only going to get worse as we level higher and higher. The fighters will have a base of 25 HPs, and I will have 8HPs at their level 5 (plus any CON modifiers people might have... likely they fighters will even have far more). I will have three first level spells when they are level 5 (with one of them having to be Mage armor if I want to have an AC above 15 and not get hit every time someone shoots me), and two other powers with low DCs. There's no way full-casters can survive if you scale problems to create difficulty for the best people in the group, and if you scale it to the full caster (me), they'll all be bored to tears.
You already know Cacia as a full-fighter in our other campaign is one of the most devastating characters in the group at level 5? Maybe that will change by level 10, but in the lower levels it's highly unbalanced in the other direction.
Are there other way to scale the campaign besides punishing people for playing a full caster?
Was that Absurdity's character? Damn and we were getting along so well.
If she's dead Lilith is going to be very unhappy about this, if she died because the paladin picked a fight with civilians then, well, as a Strix raised by humans her relations with religion are understandably poor. A lot of paladins died fighting Strix having mistaken them for similar winged demons so naturally religious types tended to be prejudiced against her and she was torn between hating them for it and being an especially good person just to spite them.
She has lived in fear of intolerant paladins all her life, so if she witnessed her only known living friend in the entire world die because an intolerant paladin got stab-happy, that's not going to go down well.
I'm pretty sure Lilith counts as full caster once she becomes an alchemist, they get spells as extracts, not quite the world shattering stuff wizards and sorcerers get but more than a half caster type like a ranger gets, plus they get scaling bombs too.
Not to mention in a slow progression campaign Lilith is going to make a lot more money than everyone else as she can practice alchemy as a profession, this alone should offset the slower progression, if she has the time/money to craft powerful poisons it won't matter if she's not earning much experience.
I'm pretty sure Lilith counts as full caster once she becomes an alchemist, they get spells as extracts, not quite the world shattering stuff wizards and sorcerers get but more than a half caster type like a ranger gets, plus they get scaling bombs too.
So what, you're doing a multiclass? Right now you're a fighter or something, aren't you?
Not to mention in a slow progression campaign Lilith is going to make a lot more money than everyone else as she can practice alchemy as a profession, this alone should offset the slower progression, if she has the time/money to craft powerful poisons it won't matter if she's not earning much experience.
If you plan to have Lilith just sitting at home and making potions and not actually doing things during gameplay, sure. Rememer, she will level twice as slow as an alchemist. So the gap will widen. It doesn't change anything I said -- the gap between the strongest and weakest characters will just widen, and scaling an encounter will become more difficult.
I'm not really sure how much money you'll make either. Under the old rules it doesn't seem to be much -- a handful of gold each week. But it takes us 6-7 sessions to get through a week unless we all take time off.
... dammit, every week I promise myself not to argue game mechanics anymore with Cog, yet... here I am. *doh* rofl
as a side note, in RB's favor: We're first level characters, we got attacked by a mob where we were just trying to walk through town and would have likely died, so he did what seemed sensible -- he busted down the door of a nearby hut hoping we could all take shelter inside (since they wouldn't be able to bombard us with stuff and he could easily defend the door). He didn't know there would be goblins inside he'd have to kill, and meanwhile the rest of us just freaked and ran away.
It seems appropriate for inexperienced characters to make these kinds of mistakes.
Hadoblado said:
+ 100xp for roleplay. Commitment to character has been high. Very fleshed out and consistent.
As soon as Dor got exasperated and said out of character that she wanted to punch Falisa in the face, I knew that i had achieved a magnificent success.
{Incensed goblin mob peppers her with crap and sharp projectiles}
*staggers around, tugging at arrow in her torso*
"momma... it hurts... momma... you never said... oh.... soooo cold... world is fading... can't..."
*collapses* *gets back up* *cries some more, staggering around*
First level dip in Zen Archer for weapon proficiency, class abilities (Flurry of Bows, Perfect Strike) then Alchemist from then on, I'm still considering various archetypes but so far nothing really stands out as particularly useful, particularly not at lower levels.
If you plan to have Lilith just sitting at home and making potions and not actually doing things during gameplay, sure.
I assume Rad'rax isn't going to be sending us on missions every single day, on the days in between Lilith will be earning bonus gold as an alchemist, this in of itself will help her develop her skills and perhaps pay for tuition from Rad'rax who may desire an assistant.
I trust Hado will figure out something fair, if I'm trailing behind I might get more training from Rad'rax or he'll lessen the experience penalty (since it's currently unstated whether or not alchemists count as full casters) likewise if I'm hoarding a small fortune, well I won't be because I'll also be making items for the party, it's in Lilith's interests to equip her allies with debuffing items so her poisoned arrows are more likely to take effect.
It seems appropriate for inexperienced characters to make these kinds of mistakes.
Hado explained as much to me and Lilith has experienced religious persecution first had so she's wary of paladins but not outright hostile to them, being mistaken for an enrinyes was the cause of her persecution, acting like one (pranks aside) would just prove her tormenters right so she's a good person out of spite.
Seeing a paladin be persecuted for being different was quite cathartic for her so she holds no grudge against him for recent events, indeed if the persecution continues she may become sympathetic to his plight, assuming it's unfounded, whereas if he starts acting like a hateful zealot she'll call him out on it (she's partly hoping for the opportunity) and if he really goes too far, well that's not going to happen
yeah. Unfortunately, I have experience with people like that too (and I've seen Mean Girls, etc.)... so I have ample knowledge of how to handle her.
She's kind of fun. I just have to work so she's not quite a caricature. hahah.
I just wrote her backstory out to send to Hado. I was laughing when I wrote it. She's like a really bad "fairy princess" story rehash, "These aren't my real parents, I was meant for better things because I'm so much better than everyone else -- I can't be normal, no! I'm special!"
I was trying to pre-empt criticism by posting this last night but something came up.
Okay so as mentioned I’m trying a lot of new things, and some things didn’t go as well as planned. While disheartening, it’s hopefully okay because I’m looking to learn. I’m open to feedback, but I’ll mention the things that I see that I will change/do better at.
1) It’s been mentioned to me that the city setting is stifling, and it makes my end vastly more complex than I’m used to as well. You don’t know when you can attack and when you can’t attack. There’s a lot of people you’d traditionally consider enemies. It makes shit difficult. I understand that. I’ll try to make it more clear what’s fine and what’s frowned upon -> social consequences for actions need to be more clear.
2) Cutting the session short was bad. There were a lot of things that went in such a way that cut a lot of time off the clock, and I didn’t have any material to fill the gaps with. I ran out of material more than an hour earlier than I intended which is just a little silly. Sorry. I do want the plot to progress according to the party’s decisions. The illusion of control should be used sparingly and having the campaign progress purely on my terms is unacceptable to me as a design goal. However, it was mentioned to me that I was making you make too many decisions, even when there was a pretty clear mission objective -> follow Bundy. Now I’d like more feedback on this, as it’s a tad tricky to shove the party along and I want to avoid doing it if I can. If everyone agrees that the campaign needs more direction then I’ll take a more firm hold. One option is to only have you make the more major campaign arc decisions while the smaller decisions are made by me. Another option is for me to conclude scenarios with something like “you search for more loot for a while, but find nothing more. You move on”.
3) Some of the stuff I did was unfair (curse and crowd bombardment come to mind). Now, the campaign is supposed to be difficult, but I recognise that if there’s little opportunity for you to prevent something, then it’s sort of frustrating and unrewarding. I think I’ve been playing in a particularly brutal D&D campaign for far too long and I’ve lost a little perspective on what other people enjoy (even when I complain about being treated unfairly in said campaign). I’ll look at further dialling back the DCs.
4) It also felt a bit dodgy because while I was keeping all combat optional in my head, it would probably have been better to have a more distinct moment at which initiative was supposed to be rolled. There were some rules issues that I messed up on pertaining to initiative and surprise rounds, I regressed back to how my other group does it which is sort of weak.
5) Cities offer too many options. My head is in predicting the off-track stuff when I should be spending more effort making the actual party agenda go smoothly. Last session you’d not had any time to visit markets etc. Now you have, meaning I don’t need to worry so much about you wanting to branch off mid-session in order to explore etc. Hopefully this means I can more specifically address the session content as well as exploratory (via PM).
6) Jenny the XP boost is only for combat. RB who has the best progression in the party got a total of 100 bonus xp for that session. You won’t end up that far behind, and by having skills and spells you have opportunities that a paladin doesn’t that will net you xp. I can understand that you are struggling atm, and you’re worried you’ll get even further behind, but I really just don’t think this will be the case. If it does end up going that way, I’ll look at changing things up.
So this is where I'm at atm, I'm willing to discuss stuff mentioned, and if you feel I've missed something feel free to mention it.
Thanks for sharing all that. I am chalking it up to all of us being new with our characters and you GM'ing this group, and it being a level 1 party. I think if we'd have had a few more levels on us, then more random things can happen / there is more fudge room without it being too bad of a mistake. But we don't have much room for error at this stage. Our saves suck (I had one of the best will saves, and even then I had a 65% chance of failing... which I barely did.)
Yeah, it was really unclear what our real options were in that mob scene, and none of us wanted to be there but had no idea what the options were to even extricate ourselves. That was the frustrating element, it felt like hazing since we couldn't really get out and had few options yet. I don't mind it being challenging, but it felt more like we just had no control over anything in that part of the session so regardless we still might fail; stuff just seemed to be happening to us.
I did cast a Charm spell on Mo and would have done more with it, but that part of the game oddly went fast and easily.
The dogs are Gob'lundian boxhounds. They grow to about three feet long, and are not known for their aptitude in combat. They are bred by goblins to be eaten, these ones were likely taken from a kitchen somewhere. They are docile but not unintelligent for a dog, and can be trained to do some basic tricks and tasks.
The dogs are Gob'lundian boxhounds. They grow to about three feet long, and are not known for their aptitude in combat. They are bred by goblins to be eaten, these ones were likely taken from a kitchen somewhere. They are docile but not unintelligent for a dog, and can be trained to do some basic tricks and tasks.
"No one's going to eat my poor iddy biddy puppy wuppy," says Falisa. She looks around, pursing her lips, and gasps as she sees Baxter digging through a potted plant. "BAXTER! COME HERE!" she yells, clapping her hands together. Baxter promptly ignores her, little tail wagging, then scampers off through the estate, spraying dirt everywhere and dragging his leash behind him.
"BAAAAXTTTTEEEERRRRR!" Falisa runs after him, trying daintily to miss most of the clumps of dirt the dog scattered but not always succeeding. "You stupid -- OH FIDDLESTICKS!"
I picked out a bunch of non-magic gear that I gave to Hado, both practical and personal, and he suggested I share it with the group to give people ideas. I'm not sharing everything (Falisa, by personality, has to keep a FEW secrets), but here's some of the list:
5 days rations
candle (5)
candle lamp (plain candles are so tacky!) [So she'd have a cute little classy light by which to read/write by]
chalk (3)
charcoal stick (3)
coffee pot [can be used for tea too, classy! no dented tins for Falisa]
decorative trim [to spruce up the outfit and have some variation]
flask (2)
ink, black
parchment (5)
perfume [you have to smell beautiful and rich]
reversible cloak (again, more clothing options!)
scroll case
sewing needle
soap (fragrant bar with flowers/fruit in it)
tea (per cup) (10)
waterproof bag
Falisa can't carry some things just based on her lousy STR + her personality (for example, she won't be carrying around a grappling hook + 50' of rope in a pack... although it would be nice if someone in the group did). So think of what would be useful + what makes sense to your character to have.
I also recommend a Masterwork Backpack if you have 50gp. For being non-magical, it still offers the benefit of increasing your STR +1 solely for the purpose of carrying capacity. If you can keep your load within Light range, you won't drop speed. It's a cheap replacement for a Handy Haversack until you happen to have 2000gp to blow.
*imagines fashion magazine entitled "Falisa's Secret" with a model wearing chain mail lingerie on the cover*
Now people say the chainmail bikini is dumb, and it is, but if you're an adventurer you know one of these days you're going to be set on fire, not enough to kill you (hopefully) but objects (such as clothing) have a hardness and HP rating, cloth having almost no hardness and very little HP. So it would actually be practical (for those concerned about modesty) to have underwear made of a more durable material, well maybe not for a full-plate wearing paladin but for for a wizard or sorcerer it would definitely be something to consider.
Nope, you wouldn't know what she's wearing under that cute little dress...
Now people say the chainmail bikini is dumb, and it is, but if you're an adventurer you know one of these days you're going to be set on fire, not enough to kill you (hopefully) but objects (such as clothing) have a hardness and HP rating, cloth having almost no hardness and very little HP. So it would actually be practical (for those concerned about modesty) to have underwear made of a more durable material, well maybe not for a full-plate wearing paladin but for for a wizard or sorcerer it would definitely be something to consider.
It says monster feats are just listed as such because they have requirements players can't normally meet such as racial subtypes or whatever and in this case it's a fly speed which is what Lilith inherently has, still to be sure to be sure.
I'm looking at the Vivisectionist alchemist archetype and trying to figure out how to make ranged sneak attacks work.
As I understand it if Lilith has full concealment (behind a roof or in a smoke cloud) she can make a stealth check before she comes out to attack and if the check is successful she catches the enemy by surprise, they lose their dex bonus and she gets her sneak attack (within 30ft), flyby attack simply allows her to return to cover if she has enough movement left.
Flanking just doesn't work, even with flyby attack and escape route enabling Lilith to shoot someone at literally point blank range she still doesn't qualify for flanking since bow isn't a melee weapon so it isn't a melee attack.
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