200xp - two hex-mages
100xp - arrow trap
100xp - two goblins and a hobgoblin
100xp - poisonous dart trap
100xp - pitfall trap
150xp - getting arse pulped by thor
300xp - 2xblinkdogs
100xp - meditating with the wise gent you met in that room that one time
100xp - arrow trap
100xp - pit trap
100xp - mad skill goblin dance off
150xp - vanilla ogrekin xp
200xp - dungeon completion
500xp - returning staff
Party total (each): 2300
Individual bonus xp:
100xp - many drugs
750xp - combat class xp bonus
50xp - putting broken greatswords to good use
325xp - combat class xp bonus
50xp - cheating Murry out of a key
100xp - no-scoping the mini-boss with sleep rayz
750xp - combat class xp bonus
See PM
- rose crystal clappered bell (1100 gp value)
- potion of cure light
- 3055gp
- Two chain shirts
- Potion of cure light wounds
- Two large steel shields
- A longbow
- Two shortbows
- Potion of greater magic fang
- Potion of enlarge person
- Potion of hide from undead
- 20x +1 arrows
- +1 dagger
- Scroll of fireball (5th level)
- Magical pot that cooks without fire.
- +1 shortspear
- Masterwork greatsword
- four blinkdog eyes
If I've missed anything please inform me and I'll amend it. I think everyone should be sitting pretty on level two
Cheese you now sneeze glitter
Cog you were last seen flying past the estate with a tinfoil fadora and vicious leopard print leotard. You've also started shaving the feathers around your second chin. Also also you are addicted to both opium and crack. What do?
Dor you are experiencing a wardrobe malfunction of the same magnitude as Cog (minus the obesity and drug addiction).