@ Gopher - Damn right, screw the new vampires. Im sure you knew i meant that kind of vampire anyway, I wouldnt go comparing us to the new renditions of vampires. We just dont belong in highschool dramatic love story kind of settings. We belong in the dark, sucking the life from those we dont believe deserve it.
@ Moocow - INTJs cant help themselves, haveing such strong intuition, coupled with it being introverted, makes them borderline psychopaths sometimes. Naturally jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, coupled with extroverted thinking, can lead to diarrhea of the mouth.
When talking to my brother, i often just let him run his mouth. Its not worth trying to voice any opinions, he will either just try to keep going and talk over me, or stop and begin to talk shit about whatever i said. I tend to not say anything for so long that eventually i will start repeating back what he is telling me, but in my own words so he knows i am listening, just trying to be nice becasue i know he would be adgitated if he knew i wasnt listening. And he still ends up talking shit, saying that i am stupid and that all i ever do is repeat what he says.
It is actually pretty shameful, when i stop and think about it sometimes, i realize just how inefficient INTJs really are. He plots and plans the same things over and over and over. He has been planning the same things since he was 13 or so, with little change in any of the plans. I sometimes wonder if he is an ISTJ like my mother, who also blathers on about the most meaningless day to day plans, but hers are more immediate, and his are a little more distant. I often think that if i put half as much time into constructive thought as him, i would get twice the result... but it is such a mindless seeming process that i cant even begin to focus on it. So i cant deny that an INTJ still has the upper hand in the game of life, but they have a pretty inefficient thought process, they lack deductive logic.