There are many pages that give details of the INTP profile.
Similar information exists for all other MBTI types.
I can not deny that that information contained in the various profiles describes me very strikingly. At the same time, I have some doubts, because people who read their own astrology profiles have maybe a comparative level of agreement with them. There is a psychic technique known as "cold reading," where details that apply to almost everyone may be mistaken for details that apply to a narrow set of people including one's self (i.e. "you were picked on as a child," but so was almost everyone).
Not that the MBTI profile information is no more than cold reading. There is another psychic technique known as "hot reading," where information is gathered about a person beforehand, and that information is fed back to him or her.
I am a little concerned that the information that one gets from the profile pages is no better than the information that one feeds to the test. It could be just a mixture of cold reading and hot reading.
None of those profile pages explicitly state how the details are inferred or where the information originally comes from.
For example, "INTPs value knowledge above all else" (PersonalityPage.com). Oh yeah? Says who? Were there a bunch of interviews of INTPs? Was it inferred from the four categories?
Similar information exists for all other MBTI types.
I can not deny that that information contained in the various profiles describes me very strikingly. At the same time, I have some doubts, because people who read their own astrology profiles have maybe a comparative level of agreement with them. There is a psychic technique known as "cold reading," where details that apply to almost everyone may be mistaken for details that apply to a narrow set of people including one's self (i.e. "you were picked on as a child," but so was almost everyone).
Not that the MBTI profile information is no more than cold reading. There is another psychic technique known as "hot reading," where information is gathered about a person beforehand, and that information is fed back to him or her.
I am a little concerned that the information that one gets from the profile pages is no better than the information that one feeds to the test. It could be just a mixture of cold reading and hot reading.
None of those profile pages explicitly state how the details are inferred or where the information originally comes from.
For example, "INTPs value knowledge above all else" (PersonalityPage.com). Oh yeah? Says who? Were there a bunch of interviews of INTPs? Was it inferred from the four categories?