Money doesn't equal happiness, but I've always heard the expression "Money can't buy you happiness". With which I disagree. I used to be very poor. I was living in a hellhole of a city, in a crappy apartment downtown. When my roommate got kicked out because he was an asshole who couldn't keep a job because he somehow thought it wasn't his responsibility to do what his manager told him to do, I had to move into the back of my aunt's trailer. When my car broke down, I had $600. I joined the military, but wouldn't ship for five months. I lived on $600 for five months, using it basically for food and internet, treating myself to fast food about once every week or two. I couldn't afford to go visit my son who lived a few hundred miles away.
I was not happy.
I certainly couldn't claim I'm rich, but I have a steady income, now. My bills are getting paid off, I have a car, I have a place to live, and I can have fast food whenever I want to, though I prefer my wife's cooking. I need not. I'm physically healthy, I eat more than the bare minimum with a treat here or there, and I can even afford entertainment, like my new computer, my new 50' TV, my PS3, and my iPod. Oh and not only can I visit my son, I can afford for him to live with me, alongside my wife of just over a year, his mother.
I'm happy.
The claim money can't buy happiness is only true by technicality. No, there's no store where you can go exchange money for happiness, but the more money you have, the less stress you're under and the more fun you're able to have. It's that simple.