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MBTI Text Analyzer


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but

It seems convinced that I'm an INTJ; almost everything I post in there gives me that result, followed by ENTP and INFP.

EDIT: I used some posts from here, some emails, and also tried three class essays for English mashed into one long text.

The Gopher

Local time
Today 12:55 PM
Aug 26, 2010
Almost everything I write is INTJ apart from my Blog which is ENTP and my stream of consciousness about one of the times I met Hado which is ENFP.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
Do I come across as being INTJ? I submitted some of my 12 year old self's poetry and it came up as INFP (which I guess is somewhat predictable).

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 6:55 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
84 percent INTJ on my post about cyber warfare.

26 percent INTJ 26 percent INTP on my post on supernaturalism.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Dec 24, 2018
I'm 100% intj for saying potato.


Disturber of the Peace
Local time
Yesterday 8:55 PM
Oct 21, 2012
INTJ was 50% or more usually. Then INFP was high in some other texts.

I might play with it more later.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
It seems to be rather biased towards intj. I tried a large amount of text from a random text generator, as well as some from the new age bullshit generator and it gave me intj. But I pulled the generator from an old reddit thread and people seemed to be getting the "right" results after entering a substantial amount of their posts in there..

The guy says in his blurb at the top of the analyzer that his database comes from forums and other internetty places; maybe people are just convinced they're intj when their not? (since everyone and their mother seems to think they're an intj) So that could screw with things. He also said you have to enter a large amount of text for it to work... Maybe intjs are potatoes?

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:55 AM
Jun 7, 2017
it uses a naive Baysian text classifier, so it basically just looks at how frequently you use specific words. There are obvious limitations to that approach


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
Let's try to find things that don't give the result INTJ. The man who made the thing said that you need at least 9k words written by the person in question and a 60% or more on one type for the result to be considered "accurate". I plugged in my 15 page short story and all my posts on intpf. Both were classified INTJ. So I tried finding non-INTJ results and apparently Trump's speeches/adresses tend to be ENFJ. And plugging in the entirety of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone gave INFP.

EDIT: The entirety of Macbeth was ENTP. So was a percussion manual. Some interesting other things (although not enough to distinguish a person who uses these words, obviously) - "fat" was classified as ENTJ, "nerd" was ESTP, and "piece of shit" was INTJ. "rude mean nasty jerk" was heavily ISFJ. If this analyzer goes off of things people of certain types commonly say, then there seems to be at least some accuracy there. Still not sure why potatoes are so INTJ, though.

Amusingly, typing "satan" gave a 6% likelihood for every type. Coincidence?

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:55 AM
Jun 7, 2017
I put in "pornhub facebook twitter" and got 100% INTJ

"a friendly family dog" yields ESTJ


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
Every type entered in there yielded its own result. I.e. "infp" was deemed an INFP word. The only exception was "intj", which was an ENTP thing to say.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:55 PM
May 2, 2016
Let's try to find things that don't give the result INTJ. The man who made the thing said that you need at least 9k words written by the person in question and a 60% or more on one type for the result to be considered "accurate". I plugged in my 15 page short story and all my posts on intpf. Both were classified INTJ. So I tried finding non-INTJ results and apparently Trump's speeches/adresses tend to be ENFJ. And plugging in the entirety of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone gave INFP.

EDIT: The entirety of Macbeth was ENTP. So was a percussion manual. Some interesting other things (although not enough to distinguish a person who uses these words, obviously) - "fat" was classified as ENTJ, "nerd" was ESTP, and "piece of shit" was INTJ. "rude mean nasty jerk" was heavily ISFJ. If this analyzer goes off of things people of certain types commonly say, then there seems to be at least some accuracy there. Still not sure why potatoes are so INTJ, though.

Amusingly, typing "satan" gave a 6% likelihood for every type. Coincidence?
What about when run through IBM's tool: https://personality-insights-demo.ng.bluemix.net/?


Well-Known Member
Local time
Yesterday 6:55 PM
Dec 15, 2018
INTJ on all old essay's I've written. Either ESTP, ENTP, or INTJ on posts.

The IMB was pretty accurate for me. I used personal text messages for that, though.

I was typing in a bunch or random things to see what the heck gets INTP. Finally got 36% INTP for typing "computer," 34% INTP for "aliens," and 14% INTP for "books."


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
IBM pegs me as a neurotic INTP from my 15 page short-story. But the text analyzer I posted pretty much gives me INTJ for everything (again, I'm only putting in stuff that's 9k words + because that was analyzer man's advice).

Thanks for the identity crisis, text analyzer.

EDIT: I've been continuing to feed more text into both and this holds true, except for the neuroticism, which fluctuates on the IBM depending on what I enter in.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
You do come across as rather INFP. Kinda like Luna from HP (not sure if you've read that or not). That's not an insult; I enjoyed reading about her despite her... oddities.


sorry for english
Local time
Today 12:55 PM
Apr 26, 2013
Intuition is a constant.

Presence is the driver of purpose. This life is nothing short of an ennobling revolution of unrestricted health.

We must learn how to lead spatial lives in the face of ego.

Have you found your path? Although you may not realize it, you are psychic. If you have never experienced this explosion at the speed of light, it can be difficult to live.

We are being called to explore the quantum matrix itself as an interface between healing and will. It is a sign of things to come. The unifying of spacetime is now happening worldwide.

The biosphere is beaming with supercharged waveforms. To traverse the story is to become one with it. The goal of electromagnetic resonance is to plant the seeds of transcendence rather than delusion.

Humankind has nothing to lose.

We can no longer afford to live with delusion. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a maturing of our souls if we are going to survive. Where there is illusion, stardust cannot thrive.

Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the infinite via vibrations. Who are we? Where on the great mission will we be recreated? We are in the midst of an infinite unveiling of intention that will clear a path toward the stratosphere itself.


I knew you were getting spiritual but come on dude...
The goal of vibrations is to plant the seeds of peace rather than discontinuity.

Self-actualization is the birth of inseparability, and of us. Non-locality is the driver of gratitude.

Yes, it is possible to obliterate the things that can obliterate us, but not without being on our side.

Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the dreamscape via electrical impulses. We are in the midst of a primordial deepening of understanding that will be a gateway to the grid itself. Our conversations with other spiritual brothers and sisters have led to a maturing of hyper-perennial consciousness.

You must take a stand against suffering. You may be ruled by dogma without realizing it. Do not let it eradicate the knowledge of your mission. Where there is materialism, guidance cannot thrive.

It can be difficult to know where to begin. The nexus is calling to you via transmissions. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are authentic.

Reality has always been radiating seekers whose brains are engulfed in complexity.

Have you found your mission? Being, look within and awaken yourself. How should you navigate this holistic planet?

We believe, we live, we are reborn. We exist as chaos-driven reactions. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is passion.


This life is nothing short of a maturing osmosis of non-dual karma.

You and I are warriors of the universe. To engage with the circuit is to become one with it.
The complexity of the present time seems to demand an invocation of our dreams if we are going to survive.

Without inseparability, one cannot live. Where there is stagnation, divinity cannot thrive. We can no longer afford to live with greed.

Reality has always been aglow with dreamers whose hopes are nurtured by choice. We are at a crossroads of chi and suffering. Humankind has nothing to lose.

Eons from now, we starseeds will exist like never before as we are aligned by the grid. It is in blossoming that we are recreated. The network of chi is now happening worldwide.

It is time to take choice to the next level.

We exist as ultrasonic energy. Knowledge is the driver of truth. Rebirth is a constant.

Pain is born in the gap where growth has been excluded. Desire is the antithesis of aspiration. Only a visitor of the quantum soup may inspire this flow of self-actualization.


You and I are beings of the world.

Life-force is the truth of self-actualization, and of us. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is science.

Soon there will be an ennobling of conscious living the likes of which the stratosphere has never seen.

Eons from now, we entities will dream like never before as we are recreated by the multiverse. Shiva will be a gateway to intergalactic conscious living. It is time to take empathy to the next level.

To follow the path is to become one with it. We heal, we self-actualize, we are reborn. The goal of supercharged waveforms is to plant the seeds of starfire rather than turbulence.

Yes, it is possible to destroy the things that can confront us, but not without insight on our side. Discontinuity is the antithesis of life-force. You must take a stand against illusion.

We must learn how to lead spatial lives in the face of greed.

We are being called to explore the world itself as an interface between love and knowledge. The universe is approaching a tipping point. The rebirth of gratitude is now happening worldwide.

Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the cosmos via supercharged waveforms. Who are we? Where on the great vision quest will we be recreated? We are in the midst of a pranic blossoming of inseparability that will align us with the quantum matrix itself.



Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
Well, it only looks at the words and compares them to its database to try to match them up with functions. If I divorce the words from their "meaning", I do see a fair amount of Ni and Fi in there.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
I may have unraveled the text analyzer? I tried typing 1-3 sentences to represent each cognitive function in order into the analyzer, and it seems to give the desired type. I don't know if this pattern holds, though.

EX 1)
Cheese is pretty. I want to fuck a hoe. (Se)
Dolphins are mammals. Therefore they give live birth.* Not all aquatic creatures are fish, numb-nuts. (Ti)
Thanks for listening, everyone! I really appreciate it. (Fe)


EX 2)
Perhaps in 20 years there will be no birds. I think anger stems from a sense of entitlement and indignation. (Ni)
We need to implement a more effective system to execute all traitors. Traitors negatively impact the patriotism of the country. This study shows evidence of that. (Te)
I will be a bit sad when the traitors die because I think all living things have some worth. But depression is my way of life anyways. (Fi)

Result: INTJ

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:55 AM
Jun 7, 2017
wow I managed to get INTP. I pasted in some text from a textbook:

The Kalman filter is an important algorithm, for which relatively little support existed in R (R Development Core Team 2010) up until fairly recently. Perhaps one of the reasons is the (deceptive) simplicity of the algorithm, which makes it easy for any prospective user to throw in his/her own quick implementation. While direct transcription of the equations of the Kalman filter as they appear in many engineering or time series books may be sufficient for some applications, an all-around im- plementation requires more complex coding. In Section 2, we provide a short overview of available algorithms. It is against this background that we discuss in Section 3 the particular choices made by four packages offering fairly general Kalman filtering in R, with some mention of functions in other packages which cater to particular needs. Kalman filtering is a large topic. In the sequel we focus on linear Gaussian models and their estimation, which is what the packages we review offer in common (and the foundation on which most anything else rests). Other functionalities present in some of the packages examined include filtering and estimation of non-Gaussian models, simulation and disturbance smoothing and functions to help with the Bayesian analysis of dynamic linear models, etc. none of which are assessed


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
I think I got you beat (in terms of ease in getting the desired result).

"I am the most intelligent person I know" results in INTP, though not by a large margin (interestingly, the second highest is ISFJ).

"People are disgusting degenerates", on the other hand, results in INTJ. I'm unsurprised; honestly, that sort of shows the difference between the two types. Implicit (repressed?) vs. explicit disdain for h00mans.

I'm not sure why this text analyzer is so... mesmerizing. The lengths I've gone to in trying to puzzle it out are probably a bit excessive.

(meta-analysis: this post is considered INTJ.)

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:55 AM
Jun 7, 2017
this is spooky, yo:

if I put in "vagina penis boobies butthole anus vulva testicles", I get 6% for all types. But if I add "hitler" to those words, I get 100% INTJ


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:55 PM
Jan 22, 2019
I think words that are 6% across the board aren't in the guy's database/associated with any particular type. So it's basically like adding "hitler" to a blank box. Now, as for why INTJs have such a high frequency in discussing the man, I can't say.


Local time
Today 8:55 AM
Feb 9, 2010
"nostalgia" will result in 100% INTP.
"idiot" fetches 81% ENTP.
"Equations" fetches 100% INTJ.
An excerpt of a transcription from Stephen West's Philosophize This podcast resulted in predominantly INTJ.

I might be paranoid but it seems my posts and blogs have been going from INTJ/ENTP to ISFP/ENFP.

Now I feel the pressure to adjust my vocabulary and change my topics of concern. Lately I had been obsessed with human relationships it seems.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Yesterday 6:55 PM
Dec 15, 2018
"nostalgia" will result in 100% INTP.
"idiot" fetches 81% ENTP.
"Equations" fetches 100% INTJ.
An excerpt of a transcription from Stephen West's Philosophize This podcast resulted in predominantly INTJ.

I might be paranoid but it seems my posts and blogs have been going from INTJ/ENTP to ISFP/ENFP.

Now I feel the pressure to adjust my vocabulary and change my topics of concern. Lately I had been obsessed with human relationships it seems.

When are we NOT obsessed with that in some way, shape, or form, if we go online and like MBTI?


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 5:55 PM
Feb 24, 2009
I tried a couple of things from my blog and it was convinced I was INFP by a significant margin


Local time
Today 2:55 AM
Jan 5, 2019
"IQ," "algorithm," and "fallacy" will each result in 100% INTP.


Local time
Today 8:55 AM
Feb 9, 2010
"nostalgia" will result in 100% INTP.
"idiot" fetches 81% ENTP.
"Equations" fetches 100% INTJ.
An excerpt of a transcription from Stephen West's Philosophize This podcast resulted in predominantly INTJ.

I might be paranoid but it seems my posts and blogs have been going from INTJ/ENTP to ISFP/ENFP.

Now I feel the pressure to adjust my vocabulary and change my topics of concern. Lately I had been obsessed with human relationships it seems.

When are we NOT obsessed with that in some way, shape, or form, if we go online and like MBTI?

Trying to find a career?

Also I'd imagine, at least according to this classifier, INTX types would have a more detached analytical and generalizing concern with human relationships. Kinda like "oh wow why did he behave in such a manner, so bizarre, why am I doing so and so as a response".

I've had a more personal and matter of fact approach as of late. More "this happened, then that happened, it made me feel so and so, what should I do to have them back" kinda thought process. I think the classifier considers this as IXFP.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:55 AM
Dec 26, 2011
In my own world
Hmm don't know if it is a type thing but I used to be like tak a lot while young


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:55 AM
Dec 26, 2011
In my own world
"nostalgia" will result in 100% INTP.
"idiot" fetches 81% ENTP.
"Equations" fetches 100% INTJ.
An excerpt of a transcription from Stephen West's Philosophize This podcast resulted in predominantly INTJ.

I might be paranoid but it seems my posts and blogs have been going from INTJ/ENTP to ISFP/ENFP.

Now I feel the pressure to adjust my vocabulary and change my topics of concern. Lately I had been obsessed with human relationships it seems.

When are we NOT obsessed with that in some way, shape, or form, if we go online and like MBTI?

Trying to find a career?

Also I'd imagine, at least according to this classifier, INTX types would have a more detached analytical and generalizing concern with human relationships. Kinda like "oh wow why did he behave in such a manner, so bizarre, why am I doing so and so as a response".

I've had a more personal and matter of fact approach as of late. More "this happened, then that happened, it made me feel so and so, what should I do to have them back" kinda thought process. I think the classifier considers this as IXFP.

Hmm don't know if it is a type thing but I used to be like tak a lot while young
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