She's asking for it, walking around with *that* avatar. :P
I won't deny the existence of a gender politic in the forum. But I don't think it has anything to do with what's going on here.
The difficulties people have with Sinny are not gender related. It may have an influence on the way people approach her, but to point the finger at gender while not acknowledging the other issues is either manipulative or oblivious.
Sinny's views are so removed from everyone else's that she's always going to be set apart from the herd. This is fine, we've got a lot of strange and wonderful people here. I think the crux of the issue is that Sinny presents herself as very open minded in a very closed way. She's confident in her beliefs, or appears to be, but is unwilling to demonstrate the reason for her confidence, often becoming too tired or bored or spiteful to flesh out her reasoning. She insists others are wrong but doesn't support her assertion adequately, and her approach is escalatory.
Edit: Or offers unsubstantial evidence (updated for Grayman). If I offer a banana in evidence to my assertion that the world is round, have I really demonstrated my point?
It's not all her. The forum does have a pack mentality, and since the forum is riddled with evidence of strung out conflicts with Sinny, people know it's okay to attack her. People resort to aggression or condescension quicker with Sinny than they do others (just like they do with newer more controversial members). The shared belief is that she doesn't Ti, and it's easy to lap up INTPoints by being all cold and rational at someone bound to make drama. People bring grief from other threads, hair-triggering the moment she's imperfect.