"Your score was 66 of 100.
This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not belive in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who Machiavelli would approve of."
I didn't like the test and found most of the questions pretty unanswerable due to vagueness and found myself, as a result, clicking the neutral option a lot.
Things like:
"The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear."
"Most people are basically good and kind."
The former is highly situational and regarding the latter, what if you believe that most people, if not all, if put in certain situations will act in ways considered morally wrong, or evil, or that instincts, in cases where it completely bypasses reason, doesn't take good or evil into consideration, does that mean you believe that a person is "basically good and kind", or the opposite?
Anyway, I appreciate machiavellian sentiments on an intellectual level, but I don't think it shows itself, or manifests in my daily doings. With that said, I've never been in a situation, or a position in which to make such judgements. I'm not a politician, a leader, or in a position of any authority.