What do you consider a good balance?
Say 20g carbs a day? 50? 100?
Well, the thing about LCHF (I actually started on this yesterday as an experiment) is that you eat less automatically because you are full longer. I have noticed this, having previously become hungry about every 3 hours. Now I have gone 5 hours and my last meal could have contained more fat. I feel less need to eat in between because it's constantly like I just ate.
Now, I don't count. I just try to keep carbs at a minimum.
Btw, didn't you, Jah, mention that you didn't eat very often? What do you eat on a normal day?
I am planning on trying for at least a month to see if I notice any difference in energy level and amount of food I need to eat to stay full. I also want to see if I can get rid of the slight amount of fat I've gathered around my belly. I tried a low fat diet but didn't get any result, despite exercising 4-5 days a week.
I want to go on longer before I make up my mind whether it is a good approach or not. I also want to study it further.
One thing I gotta say though, eating like this makes things much more simpler. I like fatty foods (who doesn't?) ((well, actually, my mother doesn't too much)). So every meal becomes enjoyable because you can sprinkle it with bacon, butter, cream, cheese, mayonnaise etc.
And as wiki says, it doesn't increase your chance of, for instance, heart disease.
Yesterday I ate 4 crisp bread with butter and bacon infused cheese.
Low carb lasagna with squash
One small bite of cheese with butter on it
(And, of course I drank some water in between and a cup of coffee with cream)
And I wasn't hungry until 12 o'clock this morning. Which I find interesting.
ED: I want to add. I think the reason some get a bit overexcited is because they have tried loosing weight for so long without results and then BAM they start LCHF and get results quite quickly. And they want to "help" others. Kinda like door-to-door jews.
Btw, what could explain the increase in overweight people? Do really that many people stay inactive? Some publish studies that "could" link it to genes, but why this sudden increase in fat genes? Explaining it by blaming food is tempting, because it makes sense. But I shall not jump to (Mordor) conclusions, of course, it would be utterly ridiculous to do so with no basis.
Carbs.... around 100 grams, would be somewhat normal and balanced, in relation to what we evolved eating. (According to Captain Caveman, Mark Sisson.
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-primal-carbohydrate-continuum/ )
However, as I mentioned, I don't think it really matters as long as the essentials are covered. (If you're going to emphasize any nutrient in order to lose weight/aid body re-composition: go for more protein; around 2 grams per kg ++ , This is due to the Thermal effect of digesting protein, as well as the increased satiety it brings. )
Personally, I eat one or two meals a day.
Big meals, though. (sometimes more than 2000 cals in one sitting.)
I try to make sure to get enough protein, Essential fatty acids and vitamins/minerals.
However, it's not the biggest deal, and I'll also go almost entirely vegan some days. (Based on my own experience, I think the Daily Values should be extended to 60 hours, or closer to three days. Then again; I'm no dietician, so I can't recommend anything, just tell you to research for yourself.)
Here's a thing, though:
Before you take the big leap into LCHF, Search for people who have followed this diet, and then
Changed, look for the falsification of the theory, not just things that support it.
Last time I read, people are starting to drop off these diets including more carbohydrate (approx 100-150 grams daily, seems like a recurring level), and are finding their mental faculties restored alongside general health.
As for the ways of applying the whole High-Fat theory;
This is actually difficult, because you have to look for high-quality fat.
That means; No Trans-Fat, Countering any omega-6 with omega-3 (this unbalance is considered a source of much "diseases of civilization" et c. et.c.) which you'll easiest do through eliminating Vegetable Oils. (So, the Mayo you're so glad to have, will actually be furthering the unbalance of -3 vs. -6 )
The part about saturated fat is another thing: Saturated fat is actually not as dangerous as it was made up to be. (You need it to produce a lot of your body's signaling hormones etc. )
Gary Taubes has a lot to say about that, you'll find him on google.
The whole point being; Yes, there are some things to bring along, but you'll have to look deeper, find the flaws, tug the strings and seek more information.
It's not as plain as FAT > Carbohydrate.
Quality and bio-availability plays a part,
As do the whole range of effects the partitioning has.
Why people get fatter:
Btw. Here's more or less the direction I'm following:
with a short intro here:
Other than that, pretty much as the articles Polaris posted.
Influenced by Mark Sisson, as he makes a compelling argument, especially surrounding grains, (which I'll only eat rarely and in moderation.);
Fruit, you should actually keep limited, (that is, don't eat just fruit, it'll fuck with your liver; Foie Gras, or fatty liver, is a symptom of over-consumption of fruits (or rather, fructose))
The tummy-problems may well be from intolerance for grains.
So, the quick summa:
Eat a varied diet.
Eat plants,
Eat meat, fish, eggs, and other animals. (Can be avoided, but it's the easiest, most bio-available source of EAA and EFA)
Avoid the food that needs much processing in order for you to be able to ingest it.
Drink water (and coffee... which should have it's own thread.)
Keep sugar to a minimum. (
YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth‏ )
Exercise. (personal recommendation: High Intensity Training, HIT
http://baye.com/ )
Be skeptical about all new "diets" that promise all sorts of things,
check out their scientific support, try to find the loose strings (and tug on them.)
Also, check out this one: