Canadian Canine
I was doing some psych research on brainwashing actually and ran across this concept.
I'm gonna paraphrase what I remember of the experiment that showcased it. Several groups of dogs were set up to be shocked in cages. One group could end the shocks if they hit a button. For the other group, nothing could stop the shocks. The group that could end it learned to hit the buttons as soon as the pain came, eventually, the other group would just stop fighting and simply lie there when the shocks came..
When placed in a new environment in cages next to each other with buttons, the first group would not even attempt to find a way to escape or end the shocks, they would simply lay there, even after seeing the other dog in the cage next to them end their shocks.
This manifests itself even in humans. Try something a few times and fail, our mind begins to think it just isn't possible for us. When we get new chances, we don't even try anymore because we no longer believe we have the power to change our environment or situation like we once did, even if we might time around.
This can lead to lack of trying romantically, or socially for those who have had bad experiences at some point.
I'd think this kind of downfall for so many things may be especially present in us as we tend to overanalyze things and be pretty self critical of failure.
I'm gonna paraphrase what I remember of the experiment that showcased it. Several groups of dogs were set up to be shocked in cages. One group could end the shocks if they hit a button. For the other group, nothing could stop the shocks. The group that could end it learned to hit the buttons as soon as the pain came, eventually, the other group would just stop fighting and simply lie there when the shocks came..
When placed in a new environment in cages next to each other with buttons, the first group would not even attempt to find a way to escape or end the shocks, they would simply lay there, even after seeing the other dog in the cage next to them end their shocks.
This manifests itself even in humans. Try something a few times and fail, our mind begins to think it just isn't possible for us. When we get new chances, we don't even try anymore because we no longer believe we have the power to change our environment or situation like we once did, even if we might time around.
This can lead to lack of trying romantically, or socially for those who have had bad experiences at some point.
I'd think this kind of downfall for so many things may be especially present in us as we tend to overanalyze things and be pretty self critical of failure.