Architect Einstein was classic Nai'xyy. This is why you need to build your representations from clean samples.
I propose an ESFJ typing based on his way too warm smile walking in, way too steady warm gaze etc etc... Please prove me wrong
Irrelevant. Look at Adymus' Xyy
here, for example. Very strong or constant Xyy usage is in no way a sign of momentum Xyy. Parsons actually has a very obvious polar-Xez facial/emotive structure which is apparent in the first few seconds. Note how despite how he's using as much Xyy as he can, and is in an appropriate context to do so, his smile doesn't pass up above the brimline (it's really only around the mouth). His whole face from the cheeks up keeps cool tower equilibrium, just like Adymus' does.
Open all of these (Zai'nyy samples) in a window, play simultaneously, and flick between them at your leisure. Use this to abstract the pattern from irrelevant data:
What the guy in the last video says is actually spot on. The aware but below-brimline emoting of Zai'nyy is very often misinterpreted for a smirk of superiority or as somehow off. Actually there is a kind of holding back, given that Zai as Source creates a tower/equilibrium/discernment based Configuration, but usually the Xyy is genuinely friendly/amused/straightforward.
Back to Parsons. Note the adaptive/self-kept/Yin way he waves at 20:36 through 20:41. At 20:45 this is a really clear example of how adaptives kind of poke out into the external environment and then quickly fold back in when they do gestures that can look really naturally dominant in directives. It's not a form of explicit dominance like it would be with me, and the way his arms/hands collapse very quickly back in on themselves is one indication of this. See our Yan/Ying gesturing video on MRR for more details.
20:57 note how he's perched/self-kept on the chair. Adaptive. He's not physically exerting out/into it like a directive using momentum would. His energy naturally tends towards being at equilibrium within his own self-kept zone. Pushing out into the world doesn't do that.
21:09 listen to how his voice has the quality of like reverberating from the bottom of the well. Compare it to the other samples I posted (play them all at once with sound on, even) and notice how all have a quality of cool/...classically 'nerdy', even stability always running through/dominating their vocal expression. Note how Adymus has this even at his peaks of super-forthright and constant Xyy expression. MBTIers would pretty much universally be misled by this. When you're peaking or effective you're actually very likely to look nothing like what would be expected, and to be visually/outwardly using your modulation powers very heavily.
There's a bouncy Nyy aspect throughout, and this can be seen in his eyes as well. But it's definitely tandem and not source. It's a buoyancy that moves away from and back to a tower stability (and he also has classic long tower facial structure btw) not a buoyancy that is in full tilt flight as Source momentum.
21:48 here and throughout notice his
aware mouth. His mouth has much more of a tendency to upturn (Xyy tends toward upper lip tension and more mouth/lower face tension generally) as opposed to hanging-open/downturn (Xai tends towards this kind of relaxation, or unaware movements that tend to begin with lower lip tension)
All around the 22:00 mark pay attention to the tandem head-bobble and buoyancy. He actually uses his Nyy in a very interesting way. He seems to quite consciously or naturally use it as part of his very effeminate riff. Nyy can have this very feminine/open/inviting aspect to it. With his Zai distance and polar Xyy he has a little classic Zai'nyy bitchy Xyy (not an official cue, btw) that only enhances the effect.
22:14 momentum Zai access, whole-face tower cooling.
22:32 classic Nyy/adaptive circular/yin gesturing, whilst actually doing a very Nyy-skit kind of story.
Watching it through to 24:00. Well, yeah, he's a Zai'nyy doing Zai'nyy. Interesting to not how his Xyy gets a little worn and despite his strong-developed initial push etc. you really can sense that he's reaching to it. That it's somehow polar or wearing to him. That strained quality also comes through in the Zai'nyy voice described above. All of this is fractal and can be viewed from many angles-- I like to view it like one river or force (energetic config) carving itself into different landscapes. It's the same water, the same phenomenon, and it forms the same kind of shapes. But the different landscapes are still there supporting and being formed by it. The more samples you look at, the more you learn not to be confused by the landscape (individual physiognomy, irrelevancies etc.) and to get viscerally how the energy is working/has carved itself out/is operating fractally in this instance.
24:35 4th gear Auburn here. The way he's holding his hand to his chin and the nerdy/effeminate Nyy-flourishes with his hands. He's also clearly doing a momentum Zai check about his conduct. His Xyy is also clearly, again, a reach. His discomfort with it really is showing, despite his arguable adeptness.
26:47 Vai check.
27:08 this is probably the most obvious cue out of any. The simultaneous right shoulder shrug, right head/eye access, crinkling of the upper nose etc, and general spike in energy in voice and bodily speed are about as obvious as you get for Zai-source. Also note how around this whole period he's very comfortably self-kept and leaned back in his hair, and how he moves back to that tower position after ever reach-out towards Ferguson with his Nyy or Xyy. It's all there to Read, really...