Not really. Its that the brain is predisposed to be 3/5ths more likely to overconcern itself with anything that can cause danger to it, and 2/5ths more likely to forget the positive experiences because its just programmed to remember that way to protect itself. A lot of it is just your perception is geared that way. You might not realize it at all but you are actually far more likely to forget the good things.
However, if you are looking at life correctly, that is, that the earth is constantly in motion and constantly putting its residents in situations like earthquakes, volcanos, wars, and that it doesn't give any one undue protection, and some people are oblivious to motives and places that are full of dangers, then you aren't really seeing reality with clear eyes. Every moment on earth things happen, so you kind of need to develop a relationship to your planet and live on it with apprecation/awareness of its everyday power. And remember you live on earth, a place that is never the same twice. Journal about both so you remember.