Here to bring back the love!
@ Eyeseecold,
Back in ye-old times of eight years ago. My very charismatic friend (2 years older than I) would drag me around a shopping centre with him and the rest of our subordinates. One must love being second in a group hierarchy. His theory was that if he went up asked women to have sex with him 1 in 10 of them will say yes. I called him out and said that was complete bullshit and put $100 on it. After putting his hypothesis to the test it turned out to be quite correct. By god we met some interesting women.
Recently, I was having a humorous debate with a girl by infuriating her by stating what you have been stating; that there is a double standard and all girls don't have to work as hard for their desires to be fulfilled. To solidify my debate I was using other species as an example, relating it to evolutionary biology and stating humans were the recipients of the evolutionary process. Long story short she stated she wanted to invalidate my hypothesis and asked me to have sex with her. I dropped my jaw in shock and with a smirk on my face I agreed.
Amusingly, I had the same humour debate both the above occasion and it resulted in the girl asking the same question but she was really unattractive personality wise and looks. My response to get out of the situation was: "The mere fact that we are debating this has altered you behaviour to ask such as question to win the debate. This does not change the reality of you being wrong."
As you may be able to deduce I like infuriating people for fun.
What I was implying through these two stories is the the whole double standard isn't as ingrained in society as one might think. There are some out there that wish to propagate it because they believe that is what other's believe. They then proceed to force this double standard on others. The reality of the situation is that the beliefs of others has absolutely no baring on your decision making processes. In all circumstances you would not want to surround yourself with people who propagate such aberrant thought processes and beliefs.
Those who feel infringed upon by the double standard are the same as those who are vocal about it. People really need to learn to grow up so to speak. The only location where I have observed the double standard actually infringe upon people without their consent was high school. I think it is time for people to reject the false belief systems they have adopted from the institutional brainwashing.
Though, I do realise some microcosms of American culture holds the belief of the double standard for the duration of their existence. The rest of the world hears of some bizarre scenarios occurring in that country.
Back in ye-old times of eight years ago. My very charismatic friend (2 years older than I) would drag me around a shopping centre with him and the rest of our subordinates. One must love being second in a group hierarchy. His theory was that if he went up asked women to have sex with him 1 in 10 of them will say yes. I called him out and said that was complete bullshit and put $100 on it. After putting his hypothesis to the test it turned out to be quite correct. By god we met some interesting women.
Recently, I was having a humorous debate with a girl by infuriating her by stating what you have been stating; that there is a double standard and all girls don't have to work as hard for their desires to be fulfilled. To solidify my debate I was using other species as an example, relating it to evolutionary biology and stating humans were the recipients of the evolutionary process. Long story short she stated she wanted to invalidate my hypothesis and asked me to have sex with her. I dropped my jaw in shock and with a smirk on my face I agreed.
Amusingly, I had the same humour debate both the above occasion and it resulted in the girl asking the same question but she was really unattractive personality wise and looks. My response to get out of the situation was: "The mere fact that we are debating this has altered you behaviour to ask such as question to win the debate. This does not change the reality of you being wrong."
As you may be able to deduce I like infuriating people for fun.
What I was implying through these two stories is the the whole double standard isn't as ingrained in society as one might think. There are some out there that wish to propagate it because they believe that is what other's believe. They then proceed to force this double standard on others. The reality of the situation is that the beliefs of others has absolutely no baring on your decision making processes. In all circumstances you would not want to surround yourself with people who propagate such aberrant thought processes and beliefs.
Those who feel infringed upon by the double standard are the same as those who are vocal about it. People really need to learn to grow up so to speak. The only location where I have observed the double standard actually infringe upon people without their consent was high school. I think it is time for people to reject the false belief systems they have adopted from the institutional brainwashing.
Though, I do realise some microcosms of American culture holds the belief of the double standard for the duration of their existence. The rest of the world hears of some bizarre scenarios occurring in that country.