Sure it was not passed, but with every high ranking official in the Pentagon backing this proposal says something about those who are in charge of the "greatest" military ever created.
You might also remember that it was over 40 years ago. Everyone who had their position at the time has retired or quit or somehow moved on. While new blood doesn't guarantee innocence, you can't blame the current people who are in positions for the mistakes or outright horrible tendencies of the positions previous holders. Again, it's possible something like this would be considered again, but there's no evidence something of the sort
has been.
That's not the point. The fact that these news agencies were able to get an interview with the most important person in regards to the CIA makes no sense. If these interviews took place, the CIA had to know where OBL was, yet they did nothing about it. Do you seriously think a reporter from CNN, who makes next to nothing, could find and contact OBL while the CIA couldn't find and take out this same person. Please explain this since I am in utter disbelief that the CIA could be so dumb, being the most intelligent agency in the world at the time and to this day.
That's exactly the point. Osama was not stupid. He knew to avoid people who were trying to kill him, and he knew reporters weren't. It's not like the reporters either got the drop on him or worked for the CIA.
He was also a high ranking military official, before becoming a "conspiracy" theorist.
Nope, he was an E-6. Sure, he had security clearance and had some high-profile jobs, but he certainly wasn't a "high-ranking official".
This still doesn't explain how he was able to predict what was going to happen months in advance. Being a conspiracy theorist, someone who makes claims with little to no proof, versus someone who has worked with the most important people in the world, in regards to private, government intelligence is quite a big difference.
He predicted a really large attack, yes, but he also said it wouldn't be OSL, he said it'd be the New World Order, the ultimate goal being a world-wide socialist state. This is similar to stuff he had said plenty of times before, this was just close to when we actually
did get attacked.
Well, this isn't the terrorist attacks which had been considered, this is a 707 going as slow as possible because it's lost in fog and saving fuel, searching for an airport to land at. A 747, or even that same 707 at almost 500 would have significantly more power, and they were also full of fuel.
No way, the jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning? No shit. It was by far the hottest, nothing else that was on fire could burn at greater temperatures than the jet fuel, so what is your point? Refer to this article and scroll to The Fire section:
wasn't the hottest, that was my entire point. Iron oxidizing can get over 2000 degrees F. this means that stating the hottest jet-fuel burns at is pretty irrelevant, since it was the iron oxidizing which caused most of the heat!
Another thing that doesn't add up is how unprotected the airways were by the air force, who were conducting practice drills at the same time of the hijackings.
Now, I was never part of the air-force, but I
was in the Army. If there's one thing I can tell you, it's that being in the middle of training, you're not ready for the
actual event. You're just training. In fact, training means you don't even have your personnel or vehicular assets where they need to be to get
ready to handle the actual situation. Having an exercise in no way indicates that they should have reacted any faster, and in fact indicates that their reaction time would be
delayed. Further, there's no good reason to presume they'd have the time to scramble the required fighters in time anyway. That's not their mission. Their mission gives them 24 hours to get anywhere in the world. That's impressive, but it doesn't mean they can get their stuff ready and off the ground in a matter of minutes. the paperwork and dissemination of information to it's necessary components would take half an hour, and I'm being gravely generous, as I'm ignoring the one-thirds rule (one third of your time should be spent planning the mission).
To put it frankly, arguing the Air Force should have been able to somehow prevent this shows a patent ignorance of how it operates. It's not like someone can just say go and some jets take off. There are steps, precautions, start-up procedures, etc.
None of what the mass media feeds those watch it adds up to those who care to think about what actually happened and to those who are professionals in regard to chemistry and engineering.
Uh... no. That's just plane untrue.
The attacks on the pentagon was the strangest aspect of 9/11 though, especially since there was no evidence of a plane or bodies after the explosion, which makes no sense, yet again. Every video I have ever watched simply shows an explosion, no plane in the video. In fact I found this one after a swift Google search:
So let me get this right; Are you claiming the government hijacked a passenger flight, flew it somewhere secluded to kill everyone onboard, then replaced the passenger flight with a missile or something that looked like a passenger liner, and flew
it into the pentagon? People certainly witnessed an air-liner. I'm confused, what does this have to do with anything?
Also, as a word of advice, I would certainly suggest avoiding any site with "911truth" or some variation, because their information is just plain bad. If you want to make a serious argument, look for something better.
The witnesses saw a plane. The people who saw it first person... they saw a plane.