Go to sleep for 20-30 minutes, let yourself get angry at having to wake up, but not too mad, what you want here isn't an outburst, you want a persistent, dull sort of anger - the anger-energy alone might be enough to carry you through.
But you can't afford not to hedge your bets. Burn yourself, badly, (and all the horseplay beforehand, the 'should I or should I not' back n' forth will wake you up some) with hot coffee, preferably on the forearm, or palm, a place where it'll be difficult not to notice - but after doing so, don't tend to it or try to make things better, air it out, let it breathe. The combination of 'only had a small piece of that sumptuous sleep-candy' agony/rage along with the intermittent pangs/throbbing of the [probably permanent] burn-mark should be enough to see you through this. Stay positive. You're a champion. Rome wasn't built in day.