This fall I'm teaching 5 university classes, serving as a union organizer, working as I always do in the RPG publishing field, doing consultation work, and serving as a camp director.
The camp director job, outside of summer, requires almost no socializing (unless email counts, and there are times when I'd say it does, but here I'm going to say no).
The editing work I do for a publisher requires relatively constant interaction with my publisher, layout artists and contributors. But, this is all done via email (so in this case I'm going to say email does count as socializing). However, this email socializing is low-stress as I can manage it to my liking.
The consultation work requires one, big monthly meeting for 3 hours, except for September and March when I have several 3-hour meetings, and October when I have an additional 6-hour meeting. Those aren't socializing though, it's all work, it requires teamwork, everyone treats it that way, and there's no idle chatter. It is pure business, which is perfect.
The union organizer job sometimes requires extensive socializing, including "schmoozing" at social events, dinners, lunches, drinks, all the sorts of things that make introverts crazy. I do as little of this for the union as possible, and do as much behind-the-scenes work (managing data, emailing members, etc.) as possible. But, this does require false smiles and handshakes and all of that.
Teaching requires many hours every week of standing up before dozens of students (my class sizes presently are: 1, 13, 25, 47, and 88). In general, I'm an expert on these topics, the students see me in that role, and everything proceeds under my direction. However, of course, there are moments, like office hours, that require me to play a role that requires socializing.
And, while all of this takes between 65 and 85 hours every week, I do, sometimes, do something other than sleep when I'm not at work. I try, whenever possible, to make sure that this other stuff consists of sitting or at least being left alone. Sadly, I cannot always accomplish this.