currently, like my childhood idol(Freddie Mercury - I still often laugh when looking in the mirror, so the mustache will stay for a while); before that, like Legolas from lotr(ok, with dark hair). Before that... hippy I'd say.
Hair is generally a problem(hate people touching me/getting to close to me, so I hate the hairdresser, hence avoiding her as much as possible, but I got fed up with long hair after many years of it), shaved(mustache and not shaved looks pretty terrible imho).
95-97% of the time - standard outfit(t-shirt/shirt, some sort of pants - older and expensive ones are good, they last an eternity). Or army like(army clothes are also damn lasting). Shoes - depends on what pants I have on. Belt(if applies), socks, shoes, definitely same color tone.
Shoes are important because, I'd say the last 10 years or so, produced the most horrid fashion trends in women shoes; and horrid women shoes get on my nerves big time. Generally, lack of attention to details gets on my nerves big time - either you don't care how you look, or if you do, damn, do it right... Trying and failing at such a simple thing is appalling. So I try to avoid getting on the nerves of some other weirdo like me(yes, the odds are low, but then everyone gotta stick with his herd, even if it's probably minuscule, doesn't he?).
3-4.9% of the time... don't know, classy(but it's not the precisely right word - unfortunately English ain't my mother's tongue). Casual smart to classy? Don't know the exact word.
0.1% of the time - something that isn't black, blue, gray, white, beige/brown or green(but still, definitely not pink - pink just doesn't cut it) and impersonating someone. But than, only if I'm in a very good mood and want to amuse myself; most people are missing even the most glaring details so it'd be a waste of energy to do it for the sake of others...