Ask yourself the reason why you want to do it,
I want to lose weight. Be more healthy and supple.
after that ask yourself why you have that reason to do it,
I want to be more attractive, to myself and women.
then think about what you really wanted instead of forcing things to yourself without asking why and ended up feeling unmotivated to do it.
So I think about women and finding a partner. I feel no motivation. Hold on...wait! It may be coming....nol. Fail. There is just no dopamine in my brain.
Let me try again: 'Dopamine come, dopamine come....please come, dopamine. Oh Lord of Dopamine, give me some manna! Dopamine, let there be dopamine! I want women, dopamine! I want sex, dopamine! More! Go on the hometrainer, lose weight! Be attractive! Dopamine!
Nope. It isn't happening.
Or the easiest way, just give your body a dose of psychotropic drugs to help you concentrate and get on with it.
Methylfenidate does it. It is an amphetamine. You have any?
Yesterday I saw a man on tv, he was a media theorist. Of course at some point he needed to drag in ADHD into it, that there is a boom in diagnoses and more and more people are prescribed methylfenidate or some of the other medicine that works. He linked the rise of the dx to how we deal with internet and media. SO much information, some people just don't want to pay attention anymore. He was talking about how our media and gadets demand so much attention all the time.
Every cunt these days seems to have an opinion on ADHD or ADD. Everywhere they find explanations for it. It is a fad, a hype, these kids are not really having some disorder. It is society, it is the doctors bank account, it is a big lie by Big Pharma.
But did this guy actually know that ADHD is not a hype but has been around since before WWII? And that Ritalin is an old medication that has been around for over 40 years?
Do these people know that it is a dopamine issue? And I was not born and raised in the time of internet. I saw it all come up.
ADHD is a dopamine issue. If you don't have it, you cannot possibly know what it is and when you try to figure it out, it always reverts back to the notion that it is psychology: 'just realize why you want to do something and you will find the motivation.' Magic!
That has convinced me that there is a gap in understanding the condition. People who have a good dopamine system flowing cannot possibly ever imagine what it is like, they are neurologically incapable and so the more they try, the more they translate the problem as a motivational issue, a psychological issue.
It is like looking at a clock with a broken cogwheel and demanding it to look at itself and have more motivation not to be broken.
And whether it is about homework or a hometrainer, there is no difference. Images of future rewards do not work. Like, 'if I study this material hard now, in the future I'll have a better life because I earn more money'.
But motivation comes from dopamine. If you have a badly functioning dopamine system, you can project into the future what you want, money, women, power, all of them at once, it is not gonna be any motivation.
That is why I'd say the OP is fucked. If he has a dopamine issue the only remedy is not psychotherapy or a motivational speech or realization what it is he wants to do, but a proven medicine.
Dopamine has everything to do with motivation, attention, concentration. Many people with a bad case of ADHD have trouble taking even their meds because they cannot focus enough their attention, motivation and concentration to take the pill regularly.
You need attention to gain attention, you need motivation to be motivated and you need to concentrate to get concentration. It is that simple. And dopamine does it all.