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How close are you to your theoretical type?

The title

  • Identify very strongly, the description of my type is almost me (90% or more)

    Votes: 14 35.0%
  • Strongly, I differ slightly from the description (80-90%)

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • Fairly strongly, I differ in a few places from the description (70-80%)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • Somewhat, i feel the description is quite different from me (55-70%)

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • I cannot find an MBTI type I identify with

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters


You could say that.
Local time
Today 3:17 PM
May 21, 2012
MBTI is a theory, and the types it produces alongside with their cognitive functions are an abstraction. I would like to see how well you identify with your type. Please (if you are bothered) have a look at a fairly detailed description (don't lose the big picture though), if you haven't done so for a while.


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Mar 24, 2011
I was reading the wikipedia description of an INFP

The polite, reserved exterior of INFPs can at first make them difficult to get to know. They enjoy conversation, however, taking particular delight in the unusual. When INFPs are in a sociable mood, their humor and charm shine through. Disposed to like people and to avoid conflict, INFPs tend to make pleasant company.
Devoted to those in their inner circle, INFPs guard the emotional well-being of others, consoling those in distress. Guided by their desire for harmony, INFPs prefer to be flexible unless their ethics are violated. Then, they become passionate advocates for their beliefs. They are often able to sway the opinions of others through tact, diplomacy, and an ability to see varying sides of an issue.
INFPs develop these insights through reflection, and they require substantial time alone to ponder and process new information. While they can be quite patient with complex material, they are generally bored by routine. Though not always organized, INFPs are meticulous about things they value. Perfectionists, they may have trouble completing a task because it cannot meet their high standards. They may even go back to a completed project after the deadline so they can improve it.
INFPs are creative types and often have a gift for language. As introverts, they may prefer to express themselves through writing. Their dominant Feeling drives their desire to communicate, while their auxiliary intuition supplies the imagination. Having a talent for symbolism, they enjoy metaphors and similes. They continually seek new ideas and adapt well to change. They prefer working in an environment that values these gifts and allows them to make a positive difference in the world, according to their personal beliefs.
As Myers-Briggs NFs, INFPs do not see the Intuition of being an N as incompatible with being an F, as opposed to the "cold logical" thinking of a Myers-Briggs NT. They see being a Myers-Briggs NF as actually more logical than an NT. Uniting Intuition with Feeling, represents a more successful way of thinking about the World. "Cold Logic" is cutting half the Human Brain's ability to find solutions out of the equation. After all. the Human Brain evolved with both. Why not the best of both worlds? Has not Darwinian Natural Selection given us both?

the other night and I just thought "oh, how lovely and feminine, maybe that is really my type after all." and then I went and read the wiki description of INTP

INTPs are quiet, thoughtful, analytical individuals who tend to spend long periods of time on their own, working through problems and forming solutions. They are curious about systems and how things work. Consequently, they are frequently found in careers such as science, philosophy, law, and architecture. INTPs tend to be less at ease in social situations or in the "caring professions", although they enjoy the company of those who share their interests. They prize autonomy in themselves and others. They generally balk at attempts by others to convince them to change. They also tend to be impatient with the bureaucracy, rigid hierarchies, and the politics prevalent in many professions. INTPs have little regard for titles and badges, which they often consider to be unjustified. INTPs usually come to distrust authority as hindering the uptake of novel ideas and the search for knowledge. INTPs accept ideas based on merit, rather than tradition or authority. They have little patience for social customs that seem illogical or that obstruct the pursuit of ideas and knowledge. This may place them at odds with people who have an SJ preference, since SJs tend to defer to authority, tradition, and what the rest of the group is doing.[2] INTPs prefer to work informally with others as equals.
INTPs organize their understanding of any topic by articulating principles, and they are especially drawn to theoretical constructs. Having articulated these principles for themselves, they can demonstrate remarkable skill in explaining complex ideas to others in simple terms, especially in writing. On the other hand, their ability to grasp complexity may also lead them to provide overly detailed explanations of simple ideas, and listeners may judge that the INTP makes things more difficult than they need to be. To the INTPs' mind, they are presenting all the relevant information or trying to crystallize the concept as clearly as possible.
Given their independent nature, INTPs may prefer working alone to leading or following in a group. During interactions with others, if INTPs are focused on gathering information, they may seem oblivious, aloof, or even rebellious—when in fact they are concentrating on listening and understanding. However, INTPs' extraverted intuition often gives them a quick wit, especially with language. They may defuse tension through comical observations and references. They can be charming, even in their quiet reserve, and are sometimes surprised by the high esteem in which their friends and colleagues hold them.
INTPs are driven to understand a discussion from all relevant angles. Their impatience with seemingly indefensible ideas can make them particularly devastating at debate. When INTPs feel insulted, they may respond with sudden, cutting criticism. After such an incident, INTPs are likely to be as bewildered as the recipient. They have broken the rules of debate and exposed their raw emotions. To INTPs, this is the crux of the problem: improperly handled emotions, INTPs believe, can only harm. While INTPs experience emotions as an important part of their internal lives, and sometimes share their emotions with others, INTPs nevertheless believe that emotions must not play a role in logical discussions, or be expressed in a way that would put themselves at disadvantage.

and my wishful thinking slammed back down to reality as clearly just that- wishful thinking.

INFP and INFJ are the two types I relate to most after INTP, but for those two it is only some of the aspects of the personality description intertwined with pretty much all of the INTP personality description.

*as an aside- I am almost certain that a female wrote that wiki description of an INFP.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Jun 24, 2012
I classify myself as an INTx, which I relate to completely. On every test I take, I either get INTP, or INTJ...and after looking into it I relate to both aspects of P/J.


randomly floating abyss built of bricks
Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Dec 19, 2010
I fit INTP well in a lot of areas

though may have somewhat of an ISTP 'spirit'

and behave at times like an ENTP who specializes in particular areas instead of having more general broad knowledge.


Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Feb 23, 2012
Every test I have taken always yields INTP, maybe I have figured out the test or something

As a child I think I was more of an INFJ but had some INTP traits, but as I get older, I relate more to INTP


You could say that.
Local time
Today 3:17 PM
May 21, 2012
I classify myself as an INTx, which I relate to completely. On every test I take, I either get INTP, or INTJ...and after looking into it I relate to both aspects of P/J.

That looks like option 5?

Anna Moss

Active Member
Local time
Today 4:17 AM
Jun 27, 2012
When I first read a description of type INTP, it was almost eerie. Like, "Holy smokes, I can actually relate to what it says!" After a lifetime of not fitting in, to fit in felt weird.


You could say that.
Local time
Today 3:17 PM
May 21, 2012
When I first read a description of type INTP, it was almost eerie. Like, "Holy smokes, I can actually relate to what it says!" After a lifetime of not fitting in, to fit in felt weird.

You hear that from a lot of people on this forum. It's funny how I never had this problem though, probably because of the fact that I was an ISTP (during my childhood) and then an ENTP (for a couple of years), meaning I've still got quite good social skills, even though I try to avoid human contact. I've also always managed to find people who I get along with.


Local time
Today 9:17 PM
Mar 3, 2008
Not quite so much anymore, I feel more like an INXP now.


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Jan 24, 2012
Pretty close except I'm not an Einstein or Newton or anything like that, although I do appreciate knowledge and stuffs. I'd say I fit INFP somewhat well, I like to think of it as percentages. Like, 55% T & 45% F, so they're pretty close. I'm sure other folk are like 80/20.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:47 PM
Mar 17, 2011
Your personality type may be correlated with intelligence, but it certainly does not define genius. It's unlikely Newton was INTP anyway...

The fact that you keep changing types is inconsistent with MBTI.


You could say that.
Local time
Today 3:17 PM
May 21, 2012
I know it's not, but I'm young, and I've changed social environment about 5 times (completely), and it's never been more than one letter off from INTP, always sharing the main cognitive functions.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 8:17 AM
Sep 25, 2008
When I first read a description of type INTP, it was almost eerie. Like, "Holy smokes, I can actually relate to what it says!" After a lifetime of not fitting in, to fit in felt weird.

I was in my 20's when I ran across MBTI and that was exactly how it felt for me. I had carried some disappointment and frustrationg, that I couldn't seem to fit in anywhere, that the world didn't really have a place for me. I just knew I wasn't like anyone I knew IRL. The description was pretty eyeopening. (I read INFP first, and identified with some aspects of it, and then the INTP description was eerily correct in every respect.)

Since then I've definitely changed, though; I think I far more resembled textbook when I was younger, and then once I realized who and what I was, I was able to let myself change to accommodate life needs and experiences and not cling so rigidly to a set way of viewing myself. You know, where there's a pattern that I feel misunderstood (for example), so I need to let everyone know exactly who I am and what I represent (in terms of how and what I think), I was far more rigid with T stuff, and kind of calcified within that mindset.

But the more comfortable and knowledgeable I became of myself, the less it mattered how others saw me... learning other styles and ways to interact did not feel like a compromise as much to me as it had when my "ego" was fragile and unsure. In the end, I know now that I know who I am at core even if others sometimes don't, and I can be many different things in a situation depending on what is needed. So on the surface, regardless of the thought process underneath guiding things, I'm far more fluid than I used to be and tend to fill the gaps / fill the role that is needed in a situation.

I still tend to process even feeling/relational things in terms of systematic thought (i.e., I tend to respect community and interpersonal concerns in terms of systems that function most efficiently a certain way, which can align with some feeling-style values, but it's only really because my thinking and experience has shown me that things function best in that way in terms of a particular outcome, rather than because I've always believed it to be true). Same thing with relationships, which are just smaller systems. Once you define what your desired outcome is, it's rather clear what kind of things have to happen in order to get there most quickly and easily. But because of that I can find something to connect with in regards to the instinctive values-oriented people... I feel more of a hybrid at this point in life at least in terms of outward function, I can balance various perspectives and do whatever is best in the long run, rather than just sticking within one manifestation of one particular perspective.


Life is a side scroller, keep moving.
Local time
Today 7:17 AM
Sep 8, 2011
I have some INTJ characteristics (mostly Ni) but I'm pretty sure that I'm an INTP. I've never really doubted it because when I first read the description I was shocked to see how well it fit, and I hardly ever get shocked. This was especially surprising because I'd never met anyone similar to myself. So to think that there are other people out there who do, suggests that it's a natural occurrence. In a way that's even more strange than if I was the only person with an INTP personality.

Btw, I'd say I'm about 95% sure.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Jun 29, 2012
los angeles
I just took the test again and now im starting to lean on:

Extravert(100%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(50%) Perceiving(22)%
  • You have strong preference of Extraversion over Introversion (100%)
  • You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)
then another test gave

You Are An ESFP

then on another I got
Ta-dah, your personality type is ENFP!
Extraverted (E) 64%Introverted (I) 36%
Intuitive (N) 59%Sensing (S) 41%
Feeling (F) 70%Thinking (T) 30%
Perceiving (P) 68%Judging (J) 32%

the hell... and i thought i was ESTP... -_-

some of you have read my posts... any ideas on what i am really...

i mean are there like any very special and unique things about esfps? like markers?

Ok I took the mypersonality.info test and i got
extraverted 79% - Intro 21%
sensing 89% - Intuition 11%
Thinking 42% - 58% Feeling
Judging 16% - Perceiving 84%

I guess i was really wrong then, and im an ESFP


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Nov 25, 2010
Veh. Not telling.
Hm. After completing multiple tests and minor self-research, it seems that INTP best fits me.
However, when I come upon some of the more informative threads the "others" (INTPs..) participate in, I find myself having nothing to contribute due to my lack of knowledge in certain (*ahem* most...) fields/areas.
Is mass collection of information and knowledge generic in most INTPs?


You could say that.
Local time
Today 3:17 PM
May 21, 2012
Hm. After completing multiple tests and minor self-research, it seems that INTP best fits me.
However, when I come upon some of the more informative threads the "others" (INTPs..) participate in, I find myself having nothing to contribute due to my lack of knowledge in certain (*ahem* most...) fields/areas.
Is mass collection of information and knowledge generic in most INTPs?

We have a preference to not be rigid, and also we are very good at taking in information which we find interesting. Which compared to most things work-related, is almost anything (given our personality). That, at least in my opinion, explains why most INTPs have a very broad knowledge base (but tend not to be very knowledgeable in something unless they have to).


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 6:17 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Not so much when I was younger. I think I tried to suppress my nature because everybody around me (all my role models and compatriots) were strong Sensors. Not a blessed Intuitive in the lot. The constant message was "Your weird, don't be weird, well a little odd is OK but don't be too weird". I conformed until midlife when rebellion took hold and I became ...


(actually my day job is as a software architect)


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Jun 22, 2012
San Diego, CA, USA
I'm a very strong INTP. Years ago I occasionally tested slightly into the INTJ category, but since then I've been solid INTP and the description fits my personality very well.


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Nov 25, 2010
Veh. Not telling.
We have a preference to not be rigid, and also we are very good at taking in information which we find interesting. Which compared to most things work-related, is almost anything (given our personality). That, at least in my opinion, explains why most INTPs have a very broad knowledge base (but tend not to be very knowledgeable in something unless they have to).

Hm. I see.
I am interested in a wide variety of topics, but my laziness gets to me beforehand.
Does this ever happen to you guys?


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:17 PM
Dec 26, 2011
In my own world
First time I took the test I just couldn't belive that accuracy and I was like: "If I knew earlier..."
It answered many questions I was asking myself again and again when I was younger.

I did more tests. Once I got ENTP but except that it was INTP all the time...

So yes desription fits me almost perfectly.
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