This is my first post, so I'd like to start by saying hello! Recently, at least over the past couple of years (I'm 19 by the way), I have been very curious about my personality in general, and I've been sort of studying myself, how I think and act. About a few months ago I took a personality test after someone suggested it to me, and learned that I am an INTP. After reading about it, it completely blew my mind, it helped me learn a lot about myself. However, I have always hated certain aspects of my personality, and I would like to try to fix them. Most of all I hate having the social skills equivalent to an eight year old. I have read that for INTP's, social skills don't fully develop until your 40's which is deeply saddening if it's true. I observe other people in social situations and I am in awe at their social abilities in general, I really feel like the odd man out. I get very intimidated when people ask me a very direct question because I can't cover up my true feelings. I like the idea of being quiet and chameleon-like, and acting different around certain people to complement their personality in that it avoids all conflict. The problem is, I don't like being viewed as the quiet person that never has an opinion about anything, and I think people sometimes get the wrong impression. I also hate being very immature about hiding my emotions, constantly trying to avoid showing my true feelings and opinions and having trouble finding something else to say to cover it up. I would like to be a little more outgoing, but it is too frightening, I want to lose the fear of showing my emotions. How can I develop my Fe?
I had this problem, and I still have this problem to some extent, but it really does get better with time. I would say that your 40's is considerably late to develop such an essential set of skills. That will be true only if you are stuck in the patterns of a typical nerd or recluse. But, you learn to socialize the same way you learn anything else--by actually doing it--so speed up the process and learn before you turn 40. You are not going to read a book and learn it, nor is there any specialized support group to effectively help you. You just need to do it. Dress normally, groom normally, and join a few groups. It doesn't matter what kind of groups they are--academic groups, athletic teams, hobby clubs, game clubs, etc. A few suggestions: martial arts school, paintball club, Ultimate Frisbee team, weight loss group, chess club, fraternity, study group, yoga class, dance class, RPG club, LAN parties--anything you are interested in has a few groups.
Perhaps the best thing you can do is to live in a house with many housemates, not in an apartment by yourself. That way, you have people around you every day and every waking hour.
When you socialize, then just talk and listen. If you don't know what to say, then it might be because you fear saying the wrong thing and embarrassing yourself. You shouldn't say just anything, of course, but you really need to take a few risks and go out on a few limbs, but you can say things where the risk is minimal. Ask about the other person's interests, then express your own interest in it by asking follow-up questions.
"Hey there, I am new here. My name is ... I am here because I got a little bored doing [whatever it is you did before]."
Any excuse to reveal something about yourself is what you need. This opens up an opportunity for them to ask about your activities, and it may give them a reason to reveal a little about themselves. Express interest and sympathy. That is how you connect with people.
"That sounds interesting. How did you get interested in that? What maintains your interest? I ask because it sounds intriguing. Tell me more."
Try to maintain the conversation and return every throw of the ball of conversation. If they stop talking, and you are silent, then it sends the message that you are bored or uninterested, and they move on.
Talk with your hands and your face and your smile and your head and your body and variations of pitch, not just with words. That is how you tell people that your genuinely interested.
When the conversation is coming to an end, then tell the person that you would like to get back in touch sometime in the future.
Learn from your mistakes. Did you come off as arrogant? Did you come off as bored? Did you come off as too intrusive? Did you insult someone unintentionally? If you can sense that you are leaving the wrong impression, then be explicit that it isn't your intention. "I am sorry, I don't mean to be... I just have a little difficulty communicating, that's all, and it is embarrassing for me."