It's a running joke betwixt meself, friends and family...I am known to NEVER be wrong - - like ever, about anything...That's just saying that I'm very used to winning arguments....And, I don't think that a cynical/realist INTP could be ever really be wrong...'bout anything...That is, if he/she knows, holds the majority of the facts or variables going into whatever topic it is at hand...Then they have to hold the 'factual'...i.e. 'right' position...every time...
I've entered countless convos with 'Feeling' and 'Sensing' types where they just talk out da ass endlessly, relying on their 'feelings' on every matter, or some half-hearted, loosely-held belief, instead of the objective facts on hand...I'll usually hammer home the point, attacking from every angle, dismantling falsely held beliefs and forcing concession by the other party...
But, ya know what they say - "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."....On the rare occassion that I do jump the gun and make a call on something that turns out to be entirely wrong, I am the first person to OPENLY AND HONESTLY state that I was wrong on the issue...I actually welcome the experience...It means that I'm still mostly human, and only partly divine...j/k.