Is there a reason you are calling his Ni drifts Si? A rapper is not allowed to be intuitive?Jay-Z: ISTJ
Is there a reason you are calling his Ni drifts Si? A rapper is not allowed to be intuitive?Jay-Z: ISTJ
Is there a reason you are calling his Ni drifts Si? A rapper is not allowed to be intuitive?
Hmmm, that's interesting. because that kind of drift regesters as Ni with me, Si is more of a check than a drift. Also when he stays on the left, he is speaking conceptually, not about concrete facts or memories.Dude, I'm not even convinced of this reality.
I was actually looking for Ni and if you add "musical family", the possibility seems reasonable.(at least to me.) But I didn't find any, at least 'til youtube broke on me.
Heck, If someone gave me a neat explanation as to how Einstein is ESFP, I'd believe it...or at least consider it.
Right, this one in particular was tricky because he kind of bends some of the principles I put in this guide. Face holding is when any type keeps their face clear and neutralized of emotion. It is actually possible to keep a straight face even when using Fe, and doing this might give it the appearance of the cool articulation of Te. The reason I was able to tell the difference was just from experience, Fe still causes the face and mouth to move very differently from Te, even if the person is face holding while using it, and I've learned how to tell the difference just from experience.If it's not too much trouble, could you explain your reasoning, please? I'm not quite sure I understand how you arrived at that conclusion.
Actually, that second video was not very much help, he is still very nervous and not acting as "natural", I found a better video that he does with a second person, and actually shows much more unguarded Fe:I agree. His expression and mannerisms seem kind of contrived. Did you watch both videos? there's a second video wrapped in the spoiler. He seems much more relaxed in that video, so it might be easier to 'read' him.
certainly.That's very interesting. I'll have to try it at some point. If you don't mind, could you explain 'modulation'?
First of all, when articulating Ni, it is not always going to be profound concepts, it is their worldview, sometimes it will be stating facts. But it is actually not that important to match up the cues with what they are saying, just look for the cues, because telling the difference by content alone will be 1000 times harder.Adymus:
On the T.I. video, it seems that when he looks to his left he's talking about facts moreso than concepts. Are you saying that facial expression (anger/drift vs. concern/check) is more important than content when differentiating Ni/Si? He did say a few Ni-ish things, but they didn't seem to coincide with him looking to his left. Though perhaps there is a delay (especially with introverts) between conviction and articulation, since Ni doesn't actually articulate anything, like Fe does.
0:32(and most of the video) = eye direction: left. action: extracting information. Si
1:14 = eye direction: left. action: raises both eyebrow to show agreement. Si + Te.
1:25 = action: *eyebrow agreement*. eye contact. Te
First of all, when articulating Ni, it is not always going to be profound concepts, it is their worldview, sometimes it will be stating facts. But it is actually not that important to match up the cues with what they are saying, just look for the cues, because telling the difference by content alone will be 1000 times harder.
Adymus - do head tilts indicate use of particular cognitive processes? Are you still going to make that youtube video you mentioned in the first post?
Katee Sackhoff - ENFJ? I'm picking up Fe/Ti and Ni use - she seems extroverted and directive (J) to me, but what do I know!
Tricia Helfer - ENTP? She seems very Ne bouncy to me - I think it's her lead process? (I saw a few eye flashes throughout the video - Ne?) I also get the impression of Fe being used too.
I watched a few more interviews of Katee Sackhoff - I think you're right about Te articulation and Fi use instead of Fe articulation and Ti use which I previously thought - I spotted some Si in a few as well. So maybe INFP on second thought ? (I feel like I'm getting worse at this the more I do it!)
I can identify a female NFP from a mile away (clothing).
The Axis are always implied, If you see Si then Ne must be present, if you see Te then Fi must present, personally I prefer it this way. For instance, If you see Ne in the Eyes and Fe in the face then that automagically tells you about the other two.Yup, makes sense. I guess I am doing this backwards from that then, as I will be using this to refine what I already know (which does need work), and sort of use it as a check system.
This is what I can extract from my own understandings. I sort of look at it like an axis cause everything comes in pairs. When you try to focus on spotting individual functions, it actually becomes harder. Doing this makes it easier for me in a sense, because it eliminates a lot of variables. If you can pin down which two axis's a person uses, then all you need to do is pick out the top two, which is much easier to do then when you try to spot a single function one at a time.
Fi/Te: This tends to lend to a person having a very direct look, eyes are stationary or slow moving for the most part. There often isn't a easy to see pattern of face muscle movement (its slow to change), it's usually pretty focused.
Fe/Ti: There is a lot more turbulance in the face then the previous. Even if it is small, the muscles move a lot more and there is often patterns with it.
Si/Ne: There is more full head movement, not much blinking. When they eyes move they almost always return to where they were previously after a short while.
Se/Ni: Eye movement is pretty rapid and often, and does not remain in one fixated spot. Due to this, there is often a sense of not actually looking at something that can be seen.
Bah, this is really hard for me to quantify, and you said most of this in way or another already, but I just think using axis's makes things more streamlined.
To be honest, I personally rarely uses any of what I am talking about on this thread haha, like you said after while you start getting so fast that it all becomes an intuitive blur. When it gets to that point then that is when you are truly reading a person, and not just guessing at their type, however as thinkers this is something that does not come to us naturally, so it is good to start with the more mechanical approach of seeing function cues, and then as you get more familiar with it you will start to intuitively see the patterns and be able to read people within seconds without even seeing any of the cues.
No, you can't. That's called stereotyping, and you don't truly learn to read people until you clean your lenses of that shit.
That is Fi she is using, as expressive as she is, she is unaware of it, she also clamps her expression down as soon as she begins talking and begins listening, she is articulating with Te.Katee Sackhoff - INFJ
Definately I, she's maintaining composure and holding herself with posture that she returns to.
Definately N, when he asks if she's happy with how they are wrapping up the series, she looks to the up and to the left. She's accessing her Ni to see how the ending of the show fits with her ideal of what it should be.
Definately F, she's using Fe.
Tertiary Ti, on several occasions, she looks down and to the right when accessing it.
At 4:05, she has a laughter fit but then looks down and right some, which clamps down on her giggle. She does this once in the beginning to as she laughs. This is Ti repressing Fe.
Towards the end, she does access Si once to remember some names, but it's not widely exhibited by her in that clip.
She might be using the occasional Ne for a bit of wit in her conversation. I think this is possible for an INFJ to do.
She doesn't have the INFP vibe either. They all got a vibe and she doesn't have it.
No thoughtful Tom, I get it just fine.Clothing is one external, visible cue that fuels my intuitive, visual typing. I have not rigorously studied my results, but I am also aware of rarely being wrong in a long time. I do like your technical breakdown - as you point out - grinding through it consciously, then tossing that into the intuitive bin, will most likely improve my results.
Re: What you said about trusting your first notion, what function/s would this involve? Not Ti, as stated, but I can't see it using Ne (overflow of possibilities, not just one) or Si (would be referring to descriptions etc constantly). So... Fe? Though that seems obscure.
What do you think of this approach: observing someone for a time while trying not to analyse anything, just absorb what you see, then checking what comes to you when you're done. On the other hand, since this involves Ti supression, for practical reasons this may not be viable for INTPs.
P.S. Screw you, Marina's mine.
I don't know why but I simply can not find any band members with good (or any) interview pages to try and type, I found one.
Alice Glass (singer for crystal castles): I am gonna guess ISFP
YouTube- Crystal Castles - NME Interview
As a side note I can't stand these two, but their music is good.
Thanks for the advice/clarification Adymus. It should be useful.
I really like their music. I can see why you might hate them, but I don't find them annoying for some reason.
I would probably agree with your assessment of Alice. As for Ethan, he also seems to be IxxP, maybe ISTP?
Oooooohh I know what this is, this should be fun, I'll wait for more to guess, great post Indigo!I can't type ethan because he has on glasses. I actually would guess INTJ, but that is pure gut.
So here is another one. As Faithless just released a new album.
YouTube- Faithless 'The Dance' - album track by track
I would guess ISTJ for sister bliss and ISTP for maxi. These two are kinda hard though.
ETA: Actually, I am going to say ISFJ for SB, she is a hard nut to crack.
ISFP's are very good when it comes to lyrics. My ex wrote me the best romantic poems ever.
Oooooohh I know what this is, this should be fun, I'll wait for more to guess, great post Indigo!
Warning: Both of them are highly developed models, do not expect them to act like the MBTI "stereotypical" versions of their types.