Augh. I must make this point. A common failing of INTPs, MYSELF INCLUDED is the temptation to let Ti take over to the detriment of all else. Subjectivity is bad. The letter F is not a synonym for unreliable or stupid. I have grown to loathe this sentiment, because it misleads so many other intelligent people. I spent a small stint over at the ENFP forum. One of my most trusted and respected people in my life is an INFP. So I have a point to make.
Stop calling for a perfectly logical discussion. Humans are made of both reason and emotion. A purely logical discussion will *always* fail to describe a human, because it ignores a fundamental part of our being; yes, even yours Claverhouse.
Please. Just because we are intelligent does not mean that emotions are pointless, especially in a case like this; a case where there is so little evidence that it comes down to a judgement of character, or an automatic banhammer by default.
I would postulate that Claverhouse missed most of the history of the INTPf by being absent. I would postulate that he would have a much weaker grasp of both Jesin and FacetiousPersona than people who have been around far longer, such as myself, Sagewolf, LoR and others.
I ask that everyone be reasonable, not logical.