It is the fact of it being an admin account that makes this serious. Hacking, though rare, can be lived with; if the forum is betrayed from within there is no defence. And this could literally have killed the forum. Suppose the attacker had been after private information for blackmail of some member ? Suppose there had been no recent back-up and that months of posts and PMs were lost ? The forum would die off simply because nothing was up-to-date and members rightly drifted away. It is only due to the hosting company that the restoration was a success. Suppose he had screwed the server so badly that the hosting company decided not to help, but demanded compensation ?
It has been suggested that it is invidious to have named the admin account responsible; but merely to announce that an unnamed admin had destroyed the forum without giving details would not increase confidence and would have been a cover-up. Particularly since it was Jesin's account alone that took down the forum, and that
the whole damn world yesterday could see his name alone on the false forum.
To protect Jesin and assume his innocence, instead of assuming his guilt, would be merely an example of the old-boy network protecting it's own; whereby those in power or in friendship will always let the big offenders off with a pass, but come down hard on expendable small fry. Simply because they
like the person. There is never room for sentimentality.
I hope Jesin is innocent, and that he can return as member if he wants: but to accuse Face --- if Face confessed a thousand times --- without proof, when it was not Face's name on the account would be a greater injustice than naming the administrator responsible. Face is not a member and owes us nothing, if he hacks us that is to him game: an administrator owes his members care in safeguarding his password.
No chance. Any and every forum is at the mercy of each administrator because of their necessary powers.
This applies to EzBoards, but the principles are the same everywhere:
What do I do if my community has been hacked?
In order to hack your community, someone has to use a moderator or administrator account. Board hacking always involves account hacking.
Often a hacker will revoke the other administators' powers or ban them, ensuring that only an account he controls has administrative powers. EzOps (board creators) cannot be permanently banned from their own boards. An ezOp should always be able to go into a board’s Control Center and unban herself. If any other admin or mod account is hacked and used to damage your board, you should notify the ezOp as quickly as possible so they can come back and take control. The ezOp needs to step in and immediately remove admin and mod powers from all other users until it is determined which ID has been used to make unwanted changes to the board (the real owner may not be to blame, but someone may have used their account without them knowing). Then, the ezOp can temporarily lock down the board (apply MBA or password-protect the forums) until the board has been restored to its original state (or as close to it as possible).
True hacking is very rare. Many people experience bugs or other routine problems and quickly assume they were hacked. If you simply can’t log in, do not jump to the conclusion that you were hacked. There are many possible causes of login problems. The only real proof that you were hacked is if someone posts with your account, performs an administrative or moderator action with your account, sends an inbox message with your account, or edits your profile.
The majority of board destruction is not done by strangers or hackers, but by rogue admins who got into a disagreement with the board owner. A board is only as secure as its least-trustworthy admin or mod. Don’t give people power over your board if you don’t know them well and trust them completely. Be careful of people you don’t know well who offer to help with the customization of your board and ask for administrative powers. Make sure your mods and admins keep their accounts and passwords secure. If an authorized admin gets angry and deletes all your forums, you have not been hacked! After all, you voluntarily gave that person the ability to destroy your board.