I never really understood this, but it has stood the test of time.
the Son
Holy Spirit
People put their own meanings on it and these may be cognitive differences because of personality type. Nought specifically female.
I think he is saying it because its is one of the theological topics open to interpretation.
God= God
Son = Jesus, the word, the arch angel, the lamb, etc.
Holy spirit = Gods active force, not an actual entity. Sort of like "Me, my brother, and my hand.", "I will lend you my hand"
This is my interpretation, but another may think the three a triad or a trinity or whatever based on their personality. As for Perseus' purpose for say such, I have no idea.
Feminism isn't stupid.
Women should be given equal rights as men.
Of course... I think that should be no right at all.
It's getting harder and harder to give a shit about these arguments haha.
Spot the contradiction....Ok, I'll just type it. Feminism by definition, philosophy, and member make-up is biased and not about equality. It is about advancement of women, which is a seperate concept from equality. If it were about equality it would not be called feminism and would have fought on the behalf of men on at least one occasion and would not be blind to mitigating sexist issues that men suffer in silence. This distinction is often lost on the moderate feminists who for the sake of convenience for their cause accept the support and sometimes the banter of the mysogonistic radical she-apes who are beyond understanding the concept in the first place.
I have seen too many losers of wishbone battles steal the vertibrea from the victor and call it equality.
If God could be a woman, so could Satan. You have to view equality from both sides.
i've never even really considered men and women being different, socially. i think there are definite differences between how the two sexes think (i'm not a title 9 kind of person) but i wouldn't say either one is suprior then the other. the biggest difference, i think, is that men THINK they are superior (bigger ego's).
I don't think it is so much about men thinking they are superior but women thinking the are inferior(in cercumstance, not actuality.) I strongly believe that a held belief that a certain social group is a victim in need of vindication is the largest contributer to sexism. It is similar to racism on the subject of reparations. No amount of money will bring Africans out of poverty. Poverty isn't about money, its a state of mind combined with bad luck. It isn't about results, its about the means to achieve them.
The notion that women are an oppressed minorty runs so deep within our culture that people overlook the whole issue and slam objectivists with politically correct thugitry. If you don't believe me, then surely you will agree that you had not spotted the inacuracy in my statement.
Women are not a minority.
There was a clinical test to check how minorities befriended people of a social majority. Black participants were individually separated and put into rooms with several whites. The whites had identified the level of their racist tendecies to the researchers, but not to the blacks. the groups were allowed to socialize for a set period of time. In the end the blacks preferred the whites would had greater racist tendencies. The researchers explained that non-racist whites did not sugar coat statements and did not avoid possible sensetive issues while the racist whites felt the need to compensate for their tendencies in order to make the time enjoyable.
I think the same can happen with sexism and personality. How many of us objective INTPs have been falsely accused of extreme bias by the extremely biased?
Men and Women need to have equal rights by law, however they should be treated differently. After all Men are different from Women. We each have different biological needs and responsibilites. This also means that while both sexes have the ability to do the same, or similar roles in society they each will, and should be treated differently when they are performing that role in most cases.
This is the way to go I think. Separate but equal is much more achievable than total equality. An example is physical requirements for firefighters. there should not be different requirements for each sex, but only one set. Currently, a less strict rule set applies for women on the basis that they are inherently weaker and should be coddled for the sake of a politicians carrier at the expense of some obese burning dude. Rules like these should be abolished.