Cherry Cola
mhuahaha I know you from the inside to the side that is on the out.
Oh no, nooo, no-no-no-no-no! I loathe that song, I consider to be the epitome of everything that's wrong with this country, whenever I see someone else enjoying it I remind them it was written about kids with autism, not self entitled dole bludgers or whiny office workers.
Yeah I complain sometimes, we all do, but I can laugh at myself and I'm well aware that on a global scale I'm living the easy life off the misery of others, but not for a second would I say it's my right, if a refugee came here and took my job I'd say good on him, shortly before I cave his head in with a lead pipe, because it's not his right either.
The first song I like
Edit: Animekitty's song, spot on.