Lesbians are homosexuals.
So lets kill'em all and start again eh?
Or y'know brainwash them until they're unable to rejoin regular society.
or if it's really so important, you could castrate them.
on a serious note I don't understand how learning to tolerate nudity in the opposite gender would make them incapable of rejoining society. Certainly far less so than killing other humans would.
Honestly I'm not surprised, I didn't want to bring this up because it's a distasteful topic, but 2% is all that separates men from chimps, and male brains (thus male instincts) are very different to the female equivalent, so don't expect them to behave like women, now I'm not making an excuses for rapists, instead I refer back to my opening statement, I’m honestly not surprised.
I'm not surprised either, rape does happen, but I am disturbed that it's acceptable and there's little to nothing that can be done by a victim seeking justice.
You're right humans are animals, however we animals have constructed a society, and we have a system of justice for a reason. People can no longer go around killing each other without consequences, even if their instincts demand it. We've stopped murder of the instinctual variety, for the most part. The consequences are enough to discourage it, why isn't the same true for rape?
As a female, I can tell you there is no line of feminine thinking a male cannot follow if they are willing. As a female with a brain deemed masculine by society and a desire to understand, tell me, what is it about men that I'm not grasping? Have you no faith that your gender on whole cannot stop such behavior if the consequences designed to avert them are actually enforced?
I believe this goes both ways (including the homosexual) and lets be perfectly clear about this, I’m talking about an in combat scenario where implicitly being even the slightest bit distracted can cost lives, now granted nine times out of ten your average person is going to be doing their job, but when someone’s sitting there for several hours on end... the mind wanders, perhaps only for ten seconds, but that’s all it takes.
There are certainly other distractions, even sexualization of other men. It's not like female military personnel are dressed to kill; half the time you cannot even tell they are female. Plus the human mind will conjure up erotic images in absence anyway (or harass an androgynous male soldier). You can't divorce sexuality from human nature, but neither is it uncontrollable. Is not part of the very intent of military organizations to enforce discipline among it's ranks? Why does that just disappear when it comes to tolerating coed working conditions?
I find it hard to believe that men, especially supposedly well trained and disciplined men have so little self control. I believe that they do, their actions are entirely conscious and willful, especially in the knowledge that they'll probably get away with it.
If war isn't a deadly serious exercise where absolutely no unnecessary risks can be taken, then where is?
Is there any hard evidence that males working with females in a militarized setting are less capable than males working solely with other males? or vice versa?
If women want to engage in combat, sure whatever, if they want to die for something, hey it's their life, but concerns about chauvinism are hardly a first priority issue when lives are at stack, not even close.
You are the one who made the association with the chauvinism and the military.
I'd never join a militia; I have a hard time understanding why anyone would. I also suspect the human race would be better off without such institutions.
So if the military (of any country) wants to have men and women in front line combat roles they should seriously consider researching hormonal suppressants or something to the desired effect, because both genders find the other distracting, it's biology.
My main point is that simply banning a gender from service isn't going to fix your biological problems, only redirect them.