This subject (& reading responses to it) always reminds me of those tv & movie scenes where the camera is focused so close to an object you can't tell what it is -- then they pan back slowly and more information comes in view where you start to figure out (or you think you've figured out) what the object is -- THEN it keeps panning out and info you didn't even consider comes into view and your understanding grows even more, only to be proven wrong once again a few seconds later when more info comes into view.
The point is, the camera could theoretically pan out forever and we would never see the entire picture or know everything about this image no matter how long we watch. This idea parallels religion and science ... both separately and together like a figure 8. No matter how we word an idea, there is always going to be missing information that we just didn't think to consider or knew existed.
All we can form our paradigm & opinions on is the information we actually have. We can't utilize info we don't have or haven't thought of -- which makes any thought or fact we think we know relatively useless in reality (because we can't know everything about everything). However, we can get by with our current reasoning usually, just because we can fool ourselves into thinking we actually know certain facts & figures to navigate in the world. If our way of life seems to be 'working' then we believe our paradigm to be solid, which brings forth confidence.
If our way of life is not working, we either think we are doing something wrong or the people around us are doing something wrong (maybe a mixture of the two). Rarely do we consider that we just can't see enough of the picture to be able to navigate effectively. Many times when life seems to be failing us (feel we are experiencing more negative than positive), we don't consider education/research to be the key to tipping the balence in our favor. The more we know, the more we realize we can never know as much as we wish we could.
Understanding that can cause anxiety or relief -- depending on age and life experience.
Unfortunately, we are in the dark period for new truths to be discovered and old truths to get buried by the realm of sci-fi. Digital tinkering with reality & effectively passing it off as truth is where we are right now. It can be very difficult for people to sift through real facts vs 'rejiggered' reality, which has reversed the reality camera to zoom in closer to objects rather than panning outward.