You know the truth, all of you. How many corpses do you intend to pile up before you renounce it, your controls and the whole of your miserable altrustic creed. Give it up, if you want to live. Give it up, if there 's anything left in your mind that's able to want human beings to remain alive on this earth.
"Get out of the way, if you want a chance. Let those who can, take over. Those are able to create the means of human survival. You aren't."
Give up, can't you see you lost. Say it a billion times, Capitalism won, Freedom won, Reason won, the Individual won, slavery lost, Kantians lost, Marxians lost, Keynesians lost. Amen
Jean Baptiste Say, "Say's Law", that supply creates its own demand. It is the aim of good government to stimulate production, of bad government to encourage consumption".
"Lunch break"