Yeah, it is pretty fucked-up...robbing people of their 15 minutes of fame as social outcasts when turning them into addicts. Like neutralizing the euphoric effects of meth, then dumping what's left into a pretty bottle, giving it a totally made-up name like 'Adderall' that has no meaning whatsoever but sounds intimidatingly scientific enough to imply that it's gotta be some really good shit, especially since it can only be copped from those scientist'y-looking dealers dressed in white lab coats who are professionally trained and certified to count pills and weigh stuff on those Ohaus Triple Beam Scales like the kind sold at the local head shop that nobody ever seems to know how to fucking use right, which obviously justifies the exorbitantly expensive prices they're charging for all those walked-on, neutered, pasteurized, processed, FDA approved and censored saccharine substitute simulated substances the promotional pamphlets ironically call wonder drugs.
Nothing wrong at all though. Standard New World Order Junkies. Enjoy the salad, just make sure that fuckin' dressing is lo-cal! And remember...if you ever notice a 350 lb. chain-smoking carboholic pointing at you and laughing, duck and tell yourself you've lived a better life because you skipped the ice-cream sandwich for dessert right before you walked in front of that speeding bus.