Seriously, it is so illogical. I mean, if we draw pics of mohommad, we are already going to hell according to Islam because we don't believe.
This is not necessarily true. Islam teaches that final judgments are suppose to rely exclusively from Allah(or God). The outline on "discipline" and "right way" is defined but the "Individual end" is never definite. Although, that may also not be true since interpretations vary.
"Matter" is subjective. Why do clothes matter? Why do lives matter? It's not necessarily "Illogical"; it's just principles or values. It is what's beyond the bourn of logic.
"Is living logical?"
What exactly is blasphemy, why do they get so upset when someone who doesn't have anything to do with them does something like that? I guess it is a clash of cultures where one questions everything and the other questions seemingly little. I mean, they feel obligated to protect mohommad's name, but they aren't supposed to idolize him, only God, so isn't that contradictory?
The importance of Mohammad represents the importance of the difference between this religion and the other "religions of the book". It's "If you cannot respect the messenger, you will not be able to understand."
I don't understand why faces must be "sacred" though. What I do know is that it's like someone messing with your favorite show---just in a greater extent. It brings purpose in life, which is generally beneficial, yet it leaves you with a handicap.
The act of placing so much worth on something is both dangerous and motivating.
You could say it's the "extremism" of their culture. The reactions of "death threats"
is definitely contradictory.
I just wonder if this "Draw X Day" will bring lesser hostility or will only do worse. "Insult" as a game is not an ideal but if it teaches people to be less aggressive then it's worth the disrespect.