To Ogion:
I think one of the stances that we take is that we all will eventually come to the truth at some point, and if they're not ready for it, that's dandy; let them discover it for themselves. I don't really like to argue, and I don't generally argue unless it's a personal point. At that point, it tends to be just a quieting and a pensive look and brooding over it for a day or two, at which point, I get tired of it. Depending on how I perceive the person will respond, they'll either get the cold shoulder for a bit or I'll tell it to them as gently I know how. YAY TACT!
Here's my take on my emotions: I've been relatively peaceful through most of my life, and there are certain things that really get me excited, like learning about complex systems like mathematics, particularly connecting the dots in my head. I can have a euphoria for hours on a new idea that I get from connecting things I've learned about before.
That said, I also have the capacity to be depressed along the same lines, depending on the circumstances. Most of the time, though, if I'm low energy, I'm slightly bothered but acquiescent, for example, that I'm not as productive at work as I think I should be. Expectation is a grand thing. If I'm high energy, I'm generally happy, perky, and... still acquiescent.
All in all, though, perhaps I have a different bent than some of you in that respect?