The male libido is different to yours, for women reproduction is about finding quality mates, for males it's a matter of quantity, and in an increasingly male world with the not uncommon occurrence of several women pursuing the same guy there's a significant number of guys who just aren't getting any. This is particularly a problem in India where abominable gender selective practices have lead to a low female to male ratio and as civilised human beings though we may have certain ideas of how people should behave, natural selection couldn't care less, selective pressure in any species will make males take bigger risks and humans are animals like any other.
I'm not defending rapists, I'm talking numbers, with a bad female/male ratio and time the probability of someone somewhere doing something stupid get's ever higher, so I think suggesting complete abstinence is very immature, indeed dangerous. People have needs as hardwired into them as every other biological need, now masturbation may not be a pleasant topic but it's a necessary fact of the modern world that men require an outlet for their impulses, an outlet masturbation provides.
There should be a serious discussion about pornography, the kinds of it, the amount of it, the ease of access to it, and what constitutes an appropriate use of it, but if we are to have that discussion then we need to be mature about it and respectful of our differences.