Okay, but just about everyone here would probably ask this question: Why do you want to be "dubbed acceptable by society"?
And in which ways?
I suppose in my case, it is only a matter of beeing accepted as a student working hard enough to earn the free money beeing a student gives. Because the government pays for that, by means of taxpayers!. It is not exactly because I want to be accepted by society. But we have a nice deal still, I get paid for learning stuff, while it's hard, I try to learn the quite boring things too.
what I mean is that to be able to get any further, I have to finish high school and while I am
fighting with
discipline to finish projects and schoolwork, it is both because I have to if i want money, it's also with a purpose of learning various subjects, I might not like to, to expand my base of knowledge, which sometimes feel good and is helpful.
Ermine, I have a feeling you like art class, and that you feel motivated, or you just might be really good at getting stuff done when you have to.
anyway, i just wanted to say that getting good grades like that is nice... would actually like to have good grades for myself, mostly. and to show off. Problem is, i don't have enough drive to do it. appearently, you're good at it.
i just wanna justify working on boring stuff with, it's gonna be more enjoyable when you're done than if you didnt do it at all. And, it's gonna be helpful later, etc. But i don't really get very far at the moment... oh dear.
I need some self-control to spend my time better, and sacrificing abit of the fun stuff. It's hard )