I can understand criticizing me for being an armchair psychotherapist, but I can't recall ever presenting my own knowledge as absolute. So, unlike the know-it-all that I allegedly am, I ask you, wherein have I presented as such? I would certainly rather not present as such, but evidently I need someone else to tell me.*
The example you seek can be found, among others, in the very next paragraph you wrote, obliviously:
Somehow, your fellow moderator, @Cavallier, doesn't have this problem,
Cava, whom is usually less vocal on issues than myself, replied to you to dispel your mistaken assumptions without pointing out her distaste for them, but that does not mean that there isn't a problem:
^Another assumption, this time about me not being bothered by your behavior on this forum. Sadly you are wrong again.
You assume things that are not there. Worst you then assume you know the answer to the assumed problem you've made up in your head that does not exist. If you can't see the hubris in this there is no hope for you. How highly do you value yourself that you think your platitudes are of any use?
I never said that you aren't: in fact, my entire point was that you're civil toward me despite being so. Kuu, on the other hand, isn't, and therefore must have other reasons for her actions, and I asked her if she just didn't like me for reasons unrelated to whether I break the forum rules or not.
So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that I make factually incorrect assumptions from time to time in excess of what would be expected as the inevitable result of many posts?
You think this is uncivil? You don't want to see uncivil...
Maybe the mods have a secret agreement to act out a good cop, bad cop routine?
Sometimes I'm snide, that's true, but
it would be really nice if you could stop seeing deep, profound issues in everyone (and trying to solve them), and lighten up a bit for fucks sake. Everyone makes assumptions about plenty of things, but yours are particularly aggravating since they're profoundly condescending to people: to think not only that you know what's in people's heads, but then also tell people what to do with their problems you've perceived, presumably for their own good, as if you knew how to solve anything and everything, and that everyone is screaming secretly for your help...
Oh and speaking of mistaken assumptions, the technically correct pronoun to address a Kuu isn't "she". Not that I actually care.
This thread, ironically enough, is about "Day Destroyers". Well, I can't think of a worse day wrecker than someone following me around and constantly raining my own implied (by you) despair down upon me.
Therein lie the reasons for my actions,
@Duxwing. I see this happening quite frequently, and I seldom point it out even though it pisses me off (as I'm sure it does others), but when I was reading the thread it pissed me off enough to bring the issue up again, compounded to the fact that it's actually relevant to the thread topic.
You have an unsettling tendency to read into what you assume to be negative aspects of other people's expressions, then follow them around into different threads insinuating connections. This appears to nearly always revolve around depression, loneliness and social anxiety.
Apparently you don't realize how frustrating that is to other members. Whether or not your assumptions are correct is beside the point. It's inappropriate to haunt other members like that.