I like you DeadonDreaming.
You're my kind of INTP.
Thanks for the thread, btw. It's interesting to see the objection to devious behavior in a crowd full of people of whom none fit in with the Social Storyline.
that is to say; what separates one strong emotion from another, really ?
The most turbulent and wild "relationships" I've been in have usually been the ones where the woman develops the most emotions, gets the most emotional Highs (not to be confused with the INTP emotional Higgs, (our rarely observed emotions for those who don't speak Pun) ), and generally had the most benefit from.
As such, cheating, drama all that bullshit, is in it's own right brilliant stuff.
I've had to throw one woman out of my apartment in order for another one to come visit, and been completely open about it with the first one, only to find they both would still have sex with me... knowing that I had "cheated" on the second woman, who for some reason had decided on her own that we were in a "relationship" and she "loved" me, with the first one who I really liked much better.
The only thing I find slightly reproachable is the hypocrisy, in not tolerating that the girls have sex with others as well....
that's just poor self-confidence showing through as jealousy.
(if it is jealousy. I know I get really turned off by the thought that the girl may have had unprotected sex with other dudes, which is why I'm going for the whole "Condoms all the time" thing. it also helps rid you of dumb over-protective shit, and lets you think of the girl as another individual when you don't hold hands skipping into STD-and-Pregnancy-land. by that I mean, you don't necessarily both catch stupid bullshit of casual encounters. )
But still; I'm actually surprised that not more INTPs are openly sexually deviant (in this case, deviant means not following the Group-think model of: Moonogamy > doing whatever feels right for you. )