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Bigass detailed introduction


Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Sep 12, 2010
Hi. Im excited.

If there is a protocol for introduction posts in this oh so intriguing community that I have only just been acquianted to, then I am deeply sorry to the unfortunate moderator who must regulate my essentially, almost, useless post.

But I digress.

Im not used to be concerned at all with punctuation marks when I write on the internet, but this is an extraordinary day amongst extraordinary people, which Im being told by my intuition to hold in high esteem.

Yes well.. oh.. introduction..

I am 20 years old and Im from Iceland, which is an island in northern Europe which is recognized as an independent nation, with the astonishing population of 300.000 people.

First things first.

I only just learnt about this 'INTP' phenomenon yesterday.
Reading about this phenomenon was an experience that satisfied a subtle but essential question or idea, very deep in my psyche, that I had forgotten I ever even proposed or had.

It happened like this.

I took a free test from a legit-looking site that told me I was an INTP, with some percentage values on different characteristics that I didnt fully understand at the time.

I then read the wikipedia article on this phenomenon.

I am, in essence, a completely individual person. Relating to the world around me on a deep level (my level) in a social context is something I have succeeded in doing so rarely that I could count the incidents.

But I digress.

As I read the characteristics and mental attributes alleged on wikipedia to be those of an 'INTP', I was very excited and really didn't know what the damn durn diddily fuck to do with the emotions that to me were, although joyful, very foreign and phantom-like, analyzed as a novelty for further contemplation.

A little bit about myself.

Alongside being a gruesome case of an INTP, I am also bipolar, experiencing divine periodic manic episodes that last august through november, followed by the price, an episode of depression lasting six months, when my world is never better than grey, and I am only interested in existential debates with myself.

My first mania presented itself in august 2008, crashed in december, followed by six months of depression.

This exact same thing happened again in 2009.

This exact same thing is happening now in 2010.

Although, in my six month sentence to solitary confinement where I am mostly occupied with pessimistic speculation about my own existence and purpose, I wouldnt hesitate to call it way worth it. Because to be an INTP experiencing a manic episode, is divine.

When I am depressed, I am nothing. I am an empty canvas. I do not possess the mental fuel to be any form of personality. To look at me, you would intuitively label me a dull, lazy and detached stargazer.
In fact, if you could read my mind, you would see me inside my little stage portraying the role of the defender of life against the screaming prosecutor (which is me in neutral mode) who reiterates again and again the evident futility of my existence.

But I am mildly manic right now. This is why I digress. But this is all relevant, if your intuition wants the big picture that I have only so little revealed of.
I would never digress like this if I wasnt manic. My mania is something I first experienced when I was 18, and now when Im experiencing it for the third time, I know it has helped me to pinpoint exactly what I am, how I stand out, how I can excel and what essentially is important in life.

But now I get the feeling that although this is an audience that might actually have the courtesy (like I would) to take real interest in my little introduction, I am going to cut it short, to avoid at all cost binding your attention to something so universally insignificant.

I am 20 years old and I live in Iceland. Im a freshman in college, studying computer science (which is way easy for a guy like me). Im a gymnast, and Im competing in the world championships of gymnastics in october.

Id like to say with sincerity that self-improvement and ambition were my main interests and concerns.

But in reality, it is chilling out while Im young, making friends and investing socially, because I know that is what will keep me sane in the long run, which probably is subconsciously my prime objective, above all just keeping sane in the long run.

Please oh please respond with detail


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Apr 22, 2009
Hey, welcome! How do you living in Iceland?


lust for life
Local time
Today 3:04 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
My advice: Move to a warmer location.

Also, welcome.


Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Sep 12, 2010
im very excited about finding a community with people like me

ever since i was five my only wish has been to get a playmate who was (and i cant stress this enough) just like me

i dont want to go into my country of birth and youth, but i perceive it to be (because of low population, high human capital and the modernest technological awareness) the pinnacle of western civilization

of course if you are an INTP, then you will understand that i am aware of the fact that this is only my perception and analysis, and hold that last claim to be immensely improbable

its just a method of expressing a point of view

but i digress

and ive read a bit more threads to see that everyone here is cool and reasonable so ive stopped caring about punctuation marks at all

and you forgive me because you are adorable and delicious i could eat you up like i could devour a bakery after i have blazed and grinded down a huge stuffed blunt on my own

in the woods

thinking about naked women

shit im digressing but why do i feel compelled to let that slip in with this appendage in reply form

you tell me

im just gonna post now



just kidding



coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
May 31, 2010
Hi. Im excited.

If there is a protocol for introduction posts in this oh so intriguing community that I have only just been acquianted to, then I am deeply sorry to the unfortunate moderator who must regulate my essentially, almost, useless post.

But I digress.

Im not used to be concerned at all with punctuation marks when I write on the internet, but this is an extraordinary day amongst extraordinary people, which Im being told by my intuition to hold in high esteem.

Yes well.. oh.. introduction..

I am 20 years old and Im from Iceland, which is an island in northern Europe which is recognized as an independent nation, with the astonishing population of 300.000 people.

First things first.

I only just learnt about this 'INTP' phenomenon yesterday.
Reading about this phenomenon was an experience that satisfied a subtle but essential question or idea, very deep in my psyche, that I had forgotten I ever even proposed or had.

It happened like this.

I took a free test from a legit-looking site that told me I was an INTP, with some percentage values on different characteristics that I didnt fully understand at the time.

I then read the wikipedia article on this phenomenon.

I am, in essence, a completely individual person. Relating to the world around me on a deep level (my level) in a social context is something I have succeeded in doing so rarely that I could count the incidents.

But I digress.

As I read the characteristics and mental attributes alleged on wikipedia to be those of an 'INTP', I was very excited and really didn't know what the damn durn diddily fuck to do with the emotions that to me were, although joyful, very foreign and phantom-like, analyzed as a novelty for further contemplation.

A little bit about myself.

Alongside being a gruesome case of an INTP, I am also bipolar, experiencing divine periodic manic episodes that last august through november, followed by the price, an episode of depression lasting six months, when my world is never better than grey, and I am only interested in existential debates with myself.

My first mania presented itself in august 2008, crashed in december, followed by six months of depression.

This exact same thing happened again in 2009.

This exact same thing is happening now in 2010.

Although, in my six month sentence to solitary confinement where I am mostly occupied with pessimistic speculation about my own existence and purpose, I wouldnt hesitate to call it way worth it. Because to be an INTP experiencing a manic episode, is divine.

When I am depressed, I am nothing. I am an empty canvas. I do not possess the mental fuel to be any form of personality. To look at me, you would intuitively label me a dull, lazy and detached stargazer.
In fact, if you could read my mind, you would see me inside my little stage portraying the role of the defender of life against the screaming prosecutor (which is me in neutral mode) who reiterates again and again the evident futility of my existence.

But I am mildly manic right now. This is why I digress. But this is all relevant, if your intuition wants the big picture that I have only so little revealed of.
I would never digress like this if I wasnt manic. My mania is something I first experienced when I was 18, and now when Im experiencing it for the third time, I know it has helped me to pinpoint exactly what I am, how I stand out, how I can excel and what essentially is important in life.

But now I get the feeling that although this is an audience that might actually have the courtesy (like I would) to take real interest in my little introduction, I am going to cut it short, to avoid at all cost binding your attention to something so universally insignificant.

I am 20 years old and I live in Iceland. Im a freshman in college, studying computer science (which is way easy for a guy like me). Im a gymnast, and Im competing in the world championships of gymnastics in october.

Id like to say with sincerity that self-improvement and ambition were my main interests and concerns.

But in reality, it is chilling out while Im young, making friends and investing socially, because I know that is what will keep me sane in the long run, which probably is subconsciously my prime objective, above all just keeping sane in the long run.

Please oh please respond with detail
My first thoughts on this introduction:

I love your writing style. Your articulation of words, exact conciseness of vocabulary and definition which is so devoid in the world in which we live... it is very refreshing. It carries a formal, eloquent attitude. Furthermore, your conventions. Truthfully, upon realizing that you written "But I digress" for the second time as a paragraph, I scanned the remainder of the post to discover whether you had used the phrase again, denoting in my mind to be some sort of skillfully used refrain in which you convey the simple truth that there is no singular purpose in life. It would have thrilled me to no end, but alas, such was not present, I suppose making me the one digressing now.

Moreso than the way in which you discovered you are an INTP, i am interested in what is written after that. You mentioned being bipolar, having periods of mania and depression. This is far more interesting to me. Firstly, you spoke of what joy it is to be in a manic stage. What is it like? I myself question if I have ever known or harbored many emotions aside from vicious cycles of apathy and depression: of course, there have been moments or even days in my life where I have actually had the willingness and ability to enjoy the leisures and pleasures of life, but there have not any that I remember. It may be perfectly suitable to say that I take life far too seriously (since life is just a game and it doesn't have any real purposes anyway) but that is what I am, and that is what I have seen. I have no time or desire to fill my life with such useless temporary endeavours, for what will such accomplish save for skewing the truth of the big picture?

You also spoke of depression. What is that like for you? You do not seem to have portrayed it in any negative sense, which is a view that is quite peculiar, and yet still one which resonates with me. It is a method by which I escape the mundane duties of life, an emotion which I do not repress but instead sometimes welcome and even invoke. What is life, according to the masses? Is it not waking up, working every day, spending some time in leisure, going to sleep, and doing the same again day after day until death? I cannot have that! I am fully certain that neither this world nor the people in it nor the society was create to be compatible with one such as I. So instead, I chose to be a wanderer, a sojourner, seeking truth wherever I might could find it, and yet still, finding none. After two years, there was nothing which I could find that could be seen as universally true, and at the same time, ideas and concepts which I had previously seen as true were dissipated and otherwise destroyed. That was about six months ago, that my first depression started in my life, in a world so filled with the mundane. I cherished it and made it mine; it was something of such a nature that I could never figure, something so exquisite that all else seemed to fade away. It is probably foolish and self-defeating to think in this way, but what else am I to do? I fear now that I have never been truly happy in life, and especially now, that I never will be truly happy in life (for what has this world to offer me? What can I say, that the soul shall be so void in the absence of that which should be found at the conclusion of a journey which started so sincerely?), what else have I to look forward to, to live for?

But, now that I see, I see you did portray depression in a negative sense, but perhaps only because you have had the contrast of such a joy. But from what does that joy stem? What do you do, think, say? What brings you into such a state? Tranquility and ragings have the seas of my mind known, but never joy, except that which is so intricately wrapped with sorrow. You described your mind as a blank canvas. Yes, this is truth! Your mind is the canvas, so paint a beautiful picture on it with raw emotion! What more is there to do?

Existence is indeed utterly futile. I have probably about by now questioned why I live as many times as I have contemplated the end of my existence. We are born abruptly, and we die abruptly, barely a moment in between. How foolish it would be to give my life away, but how much more foolish to have imbued into me life in the first place! All is futile! All is futile! Life means little, death means less, but at least in such a state as death a definite peace of mind and security shall occur, such a thing never known in life. I live out my days in boredom, or some in anguish, but always in deep discontent, especially knowing that my age is young. The days pass by like weeks, the weeks like days, the months like minutes, the years like seconds, and still my time is long! Why must I be cursed to live an existence in which I know nothing I do will ever be worthwhile or fulfill the only thing I have ever deemed worthy of living for? And yet, perhaps it is the mind's fleeting desire, the self-preservation aspect of life, which convinces me that there may yet be hope in my desires being fulfilled should I spend one more day gaining knowledge, but deep down, I know it is all useless.

My final thoughts (for this post is many times the length of your own): you speak of sanity. If you walk the line; if you maintain the status quo simply to maintain your sanity, stop. Insanity is the most beautiful thing in existence. let your inhibitions go, and discover your true self. Sanity is conformity, for it is they who determine the definition. Please, my friend, I beg of you, lose yourself in relation to others; determine your own sense of identity, discover it as a road, and walk boldly down it each and every day, be you though tired and lonely, and you will have to resist adversity. It will be worth far much more than anything else you do in life, I am sure. Lose sanity. It is useless anyway.

If you were to take anything I said in this entire post with more than a grain of salt, I would say you are insane already.


Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Sep 12, 2010
Thank you so much for this reply xxpbdudexx

Im so excited

After roughly fifteen years of substantial consciousness I find out that Im not some abnormality in a four billion year precedence of genes

You ask what its like to be an INTP in a manic state?

For the first time in life have I ever had an audience who is worthy of a lengthy 'non-dumbeddown' answer

God knows my parents or peers havent ever been qualified.. but dont get me started on god

Oh angelic figures conjured up by my only certainty! Please let these enlightened souls comprehend my allusions and wit! Let them understand that I am like them! We are all as Jean Valjean after interaction with the benign bishop in Digne!

Oh angelic figures conjured up by my mind! Help me do what is right when confronted by the choice of losing myself in poetic analogies or staying at least a hundred feet from the ground!

Being an INTP in a manic state, I am completely content.

Of course, the concept of contention is a relative one. I dont know, and I dont care to know what others hold to be a standard of complete contentness.

What drives my positive attitude towards existence in the three months of mania I get, is my own potential. Not at all my average potential over one year, but the potential I have in my three months of mania.

Here comes the main paragraph. Im forced to extend it a bit.

Being a highly ambitious INTP, I have aquired almost a perfectly shaped athletic body of a gymnast. It is especially cut now, since its competition season and Im going to the world championships and hopefully the olympics in 2012. I have kept my wit sharp and made sure to choose my practical interests to be lucrative ones. I love everyone around me and have long ago defeated with logical reasoning the purpose of hate.
I am fully aware that I am an exceptionally handsome and bright young man in the prime of my life, and its been more than eight years since I convinced myself fully of the fact that I do not possess the cerebral capacity to solve any sort of metaphysical conundrum. This is why I play life as it were a game, not giving a flying fuck about the deep shit. Although I am aware of it.

My prime objective is dying a sane old man.

Sometimes I think that this world is just an .exe file that is being run by a being of higher consciousness. And this .exe file was compiled just for me.

But I am quick to dismiss those ideas for cautionary purposes.

And I digress

The main thing that drives me when I have enough mental fuel to carry out a radiating aura of clarity (ROFL im so boastful but I know you understand) is that I know that I have yet to find a female companion who is just like me.

This is what I would value the most in my life.. someone to open up my deepest inquisitions to..

i had that possibility fully ruled out until I found this community


oh, and the last thing you say

"My final thoughts (for this post is many times the length of your own): you speak of sanity. If you walk the line; if you maintain the status quo simply to maintain your sanity, stop. Insanity is the most beautiful thing in existence. let your inhibitions go, and discover your true self. Sanity is conformity, for it is they who determine the definition. Please, my friend, I beg of you, lose yourself in relation to others; determine your own sense of identity, discover it as a road, and walk boldly down it each and every day, be you though tired and lonely, and you will have to resist adversity. It will be worth far much more than anything else you do in life, I am sure. Lose sanity. It is useless anyway."

OMFG ive never read anything so beautiful

and i love how i know that you wouldnt question the fact that i comprehend everything

if you didnt have the substring 'dude' in your avatar name then i would be hoping to god that you were a girl

then i would incarnate you in my mind as a greek goddess and just mentally go to town on your vagina

and i love how i know that you know that im not coming off as queer


lust for life
Local time
Today 3:04 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA


Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Apr 15, 2010
You seem like a nice kid.



pat pat
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I second Alisa's observation.

Now we just need someone from Finland, and we'll have a representative from every Nordic country. Which means we'll finally be able to exterminate all the terrorists in Serbia! That will be the end of Osama Bin laden!


is resting down in Cornwall
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jul 31, 2010
I second Alisa's observation.

Now we just need someone from Finland, and we'll have a representative from every Nordic country. Which means we'll finally be able to exterminate all the terrorists in Serbia! That will be the end of Osama Bin laden!

Well, Kantor at least looks (and seems to act) a bit Finnish. Does that count?


pat pat
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Well yes, yes it does.

*Gets in tank*

Serbia's ultimate doom, here I come!



coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
May 31, 2010
Thank you so much for this reply xxpbdudexx

Im so excited

After roughly fifteen years of substantial consciousness I find out that Im not some abnormality in a four billion year precedence of genes

You ask what its like to be an INTP in a manic state?

For the first time in life have I ever had an audience who is worthy of a lengthy 'non-dumbeddown' answer

God knows my parents or peers havent ever been qualified.. but dont get me started on god

Oh angelic figures conjured up by my only certainty! Please let these enlightened souls comprehend my allusions and wit! Let them understand that I am like them! We are all as Jean Valjean after interaction with the benign bishop in Digne!

Oh angelic figures conjured up by my mind! Help me do what is right when confronted by the choice of losing myself in poetic analogies or staying at least a hundred feet from the ground!

Being an INTP in a manic state, I am completely content.

Of course, the concept of contention is a relative one. I dont know, and I dont care to know what others hold to be a standard of complete contentness.

What drives my positive attitude towards existence in the three months of mania I get, is my own potential. Not at all my average potential over one year, but the potential I have in my three months of mania.
Contentment? It is as peace with no joy; faith with no hope.
Here comes the main paragraph. Im forced to extend it a bit.

Being a highly ambitious INTP, I have aquired almost a perfectly shaped athletic body of a gymnast. It is especially cut now, since its competition season and Im going to the world championships and hopefully the olympics in 2012. I have kept my wit sharp and made sure to choose my practical interests to be lucrative ones. I love everyone around me and have long ago defeated with logical reasoning the purpose of hate.
I am fully aware that I am an exceptionally handsome and bright young man in the prime of my life, and its been more than eight years since I convinced myself fully of the fact that I do not possess the cerebral capacity to solve any sort of metaphysical conundrum. This is why I play life as it were a game, not giving a flying fuck about the deep shit. Although I am aware of it.
That is quite ambitious, but I have no reason to doubt your abilities.
My prime objective is dying a sane old man.

Sometimes I think that this world is just an .exe file that is being run by a being of higher consciousness. And this .exe file was compiled just for me.

But I am quick to dismiss those ideas for cautionary purposes.

And I digress

The main thing that drives me when I have enough mental fuel to carry out a radiating aura of clarity (ROFL im so boastful but I know you understand) is that I know that I have yet to find a female companion who is just like me.

This is what I would value the most in my life.. someone to open up my deepest inquisitions to..

i had that possibility fully ruled out until I found this community
Yes, I believe I did too. I don't know anybody in life like the people on these forums. It is very disheartening.

oh, and the last thing you say

"My final thoughts (for this post is many times the length of your own): you speak of sanity. If you walk the line; if you maintain the status quo simply to maintain your sanity, stop. Insanity is the most beautiful thing in existence. let your inhibitions go, and discover your true self. Sanity is conformity, for it is they who determine the definition. Please, my friend, I beg of you, lose yourself in relation to others; determine your own sense of identity, discover it as a road, and walk boldly down it each and every day, be you though tired and lonely, and you will have to resist adversity. It will be worth far much more than anything else you do in life, I am sure. Lose sanity. It is useless anyway."

OMFG ive never read anything so beautiful

and i love how i know that you wouldnt question the fact that i comprehend everything

if you didnt have the substring 'dude' in your avatar name then i would be hoping to god that you were a girl

then i would incarnate you in my mind as a greek goddess and just mentally go to town on your vagina

and i love how i know that you know that im not coming off as queer
I have to admit... you kind of lost it here.

Now, please, if there is one thing you should ever do, do not misinterpret me on this, as I hate drawing unnecessary attention to myself, and deplore conflict, and would never, for all purposes, intend to entirely destroy one's self-perception or frame of mind; but, I would love nothing more than to be entirely candid, free from any delusions of grandeur; and, should you hear my words (if indeed they shall not fall on deaf ears. But I pray, should they do such, it will be for the better) and be not perceptive to them, again, it is probably for the best. For you display that which, in me, I hate, that which, when I was humbly kicked off my own throne, I truly gained understanding of myself, and who I am: unique, extravagantly unique, but not more so than the others.

If these words fall on deaf ears, or should the mind fail to comprehend them (which I doubt it shall), then all is well. Live your life as surely and steadily, but still in the shallows and the shadows. But also, I suppose that if you have the wisdom to understand what I have in that paragraph so cryptically written, then my words will deeply resonate within you, and stir something which has before not been stirred; a subtle truth, a glorious realization, and draw you into a much more deeper understanding. I pray the best for you, my friend.

EDit: Oh God, here I am, hoping I do not regret this (though what you could or would you possibly do to me), and I suppose that it is not too late, but I am far too resolute.


Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Sep 12, 2010
Yep. I really did lose it. I was excited and manic and hadnt slept for 36 hours. That happens entirely too much in my life :D


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
May 31, 2010
36 hours? Holy shit.


Local time
Today 5:04 AM
Aug 8, 2008
Do you like Sigur Ros and Bjork? HAVE YOU MET THEM?! ARE THEY NICE PEOPLE?! Welcome to the forum and stuff. You digress a lot, but that's okay.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Do you like Sigur Ros and Bjork? HAVE YOU MET THEM?! ARE THEY NICE PEOPLE?! Welcome to the forum and stuff. You digress a lot, but that's okay.

People always forget about Sólstafir. :pueh:


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 4, 2009
Well yes, yes it does.

*Gets in tank*

Serbia's ultimate doom, here I come!

I'm sorry, but no machinery is going to help you against the drunken, easy on the trigger, badass bunch of barbarians we are. :twisteddevil:



Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Sep 12, 2010
hey flow im actually related to Björk; closely related

havent met her though

dont act surprised theres only 300k people up here


Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Apr 15, 2010
Well yes, yes it does.

*Gets in tank*

Serbia's ultimate doom, here I come!

I would really look forward to an invasion of the Scandinavians - what would you attack us with - Ikea furniture and political correctness?


You're doomed from the start

The Gopher

Local time
Today 10:04 PM
Aug 26, 2010
"My final thoughts (for this post is many times the length of your own): you speak of sanity. If you walk the line; if you maintain the status quo simply to maintain your sanity, stop. Insanity is the most beautiful thing in existence. let your inhibitions go, and discover your true self. Sanity is conformity, for it is they who determine the definition. Please, my friend, I beg of you, lose yourself in relation to others; determine your own sense of identity, discover it as a road, and walk boldly down it each and every day, be you though tired and lonely, and you will have to resist adversity. It will be worth far much more than anything else you do in life, I am sure. Lose sanity. It is useless anyway."

whoa COOL!

I would make that my signature if it could fit.


Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Feb 9, 2010
I would really look forward to an invasion of the Scandinavians - what would you attack us with - Ikea furniture and political correctness?


You're doomed from the start


But the amount of cash that guy got.

he could actually buy a little strike.

now of course thats if he willing to.

he'd rather buy an accessory for his volvo.
perhaps, send it for maintenence.. oh right.. its not .. ok.


Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Apr 15, 2010

But the amount of cash that guy got.

he could actually buy a little strike.

now of course thats if he willing to.

he'd rather buy an accessory for his volvo.
perhaps, send it for maintenence.. oh right.. its not .. ok.

Q. E. D.


pat pat
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Guns? In Scandinavia, we have invented something we like to call "bulletproof vests". We also have something called "sewerage"- but that's a different story.

Alisa, I must say I'm quite baffled nobody hasn't yet hit you with a fine piece of IKEA furniture.

Though I suppose it makes sense. Identifying the real you is tough enough with having to swim through a pool of wrinkles to reach the innermost location of your face, it's even worse when everybody's wearing burqas!


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 3:04 AM
Aug 23, 2009
Olafur Arnalds anybody?


Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Apr 15, 2010
Guns? In Scandinavia, we have invented something we like to call "bulletproof vests". We also have something called "sewerage"- but that's a different story.

Alisa, I must say I'm quite baffled nobody hasn't yet hit you with a fine piece of IKEA furniture.

Though I suppose it makes sense. Identifying the real you is tough enough with having to swim through a pool of wrinkles to reach the innermost location of your face, it's even worse when everybody's wearing burqas!

Oh Min, don't you know that bulletproof vests are useless against an axe? What do they teach you children in them schools today? We don't use bullets in Serbia, we usually just rip our enemies' throats out with our bare hands or teeth, but since I like you and don't want you to suffer, I'll take out the old axe when you come. It's a bit rusty, but should do the trick.

And sewerage is for pussies.


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 11:04 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
I came to this thread expecting big asses.

I go away...dissapointed.



Quiet, I'am thinking
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Mar 12, 2010
in my head
^ Instead, all you find are big heads. :D


pat pat
Local time
Today 12:04 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Oh Min, don't you know that bulletproof vests are useless against an axe? What do they teach you children in them schools today? We don't use bullets in Serbia, we usually just rip our enemies' throats out with our bare hands or teeth, but since I like you and don't want you to suffer, I'll take out the old axe when you come. It's a bit rusty, but should do the trick.

And sewerage is for pussies.

*Drowns' in Alisa's wrinkles*


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
May 31, 2010
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