I can relate to the initial post. I've had to start taking some risks, emotionally, because the loneliness of not being known has become overwhelming to me most recently. Its like I've reached this strange point in my life where if I don't say, to some extent, what is on my mind or how I feel, somewhere, somehow, despite the response I'll get or the mistakes I'll make, then I can't contain the mixture of feelings that stew around inside. My thinking goes into overdrive trying to sort through all the feelings and the reasons. At least that's how it seems I've been experiencing this new phase of growth.
It sucks spending a lifetime (or about 1/2 of one in my case) surrounded by people who say they love you, but don't really know you. And, there version of love is something I just don't get, because it doesn't reach any part of my soul. People who you'd love to share how you feel about them, life, issues, the world, if only they'd try to get it when you do, or at least make an attempt. And, trust! Ha. Throwing pearls to swine, constantly, or so it seems. They don't know better, but they just broke your heart when they cast aside your idea from some practical gadget or long standing tradition that doesn't even make sense anymore, when all you were trying to do was offer a piece of yourself that might contribute to something that makes a difference for the better. You know you're unkown when the people who say they love you accuse you of being selfish because you need to finally make a stand somewhere or do something for yourself. And, they have no idea how important it must be to you if you finally were taking a visible stand. And, because they don't know, they fuss, and stomp, and kick their feet like they usually do with anything else, and just when they're about to maybe consider that something new is happening here and possibly see some light, they shut you down with, "You are so selfish. Why are you doing this to me/us?" And, you're like, "what do you mean, I just said I definately don't want chinese tonight." (obviously, I'm exaggerating).
Here, on this forum, I've taken some leaps. It's awkward and uncomfortable (even now). I've been embarrassed more than I probably need to be. After I've posted, often, I think and rethink what I've said and how I've said it (despite having read and read before sending it-haha). More often than not, I've wanted to go back and delete it. I resist many times, and let the mistakes hang out there. I've seen others account similiar experiences, and it's helped me to take some risks. The overall experience, so far, has been good.
Here, I've been finding small connections on some level. I'm still new, so I don't expect to know anybody right away, or for them to know me (hopefully it wont take as long as RL relationships have taken). But, reading a thread someone else has posted that says exactly what I had thought, or asked a question that I would have asked has gone a long way in a short time in helping me actually "be" less alone. There are people participating in this forum who are similiar to me and have perhaps been where I am, and seem to have found some balance and possess a measure of maturity intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. I don't think I've ever known a person in RL who can actually relate to me like the people on this forum could, potentially.
I think the MBTI has some information about phases in life and times when different aspects of our personalities need nuturing. I'm not tryin to be too touchy feely here, but it seems to me that if you don't put the plants that need it in the sun, they just won't grow and are likely to die. Who wants that? I've been dead long enough, to a certain degree. That's what I'm saying to me, anyway, so I can try to do things differently, instead of hiding all the time.
Sorry for the rant. A tad resentful, I guess. Working on it.
Edit: OMG I can't believe how long this is.