@PK: There is a lot here I identify with but I can't escape the notion that you are describing a caricature of some idolized archetypal INTP as apposed to a real person. There is no room for humanity in your description of yourself. Though many INTPs eschew humanity as much as possible as long as they are still alive they are woefully human. Where does your humanity fit into this description of yourself?
No, I was describing myself, entirely.
People often assume I'm a heartless bastard with no real capacity to love anything. In many ways, it's true. I've never been a wonderful pet owner, and perhaps that's for the best. I'm usually extremely intellectual, distant, and cold. To me, it's a way of keeping sharp, on the ball, in focus; analytical thought is the greatest thing ever, to me. It's my lifeblood and I couldn't live without it. The ability to think independently as creatively as I want, to see the entire world as a giant set of raw material to be remolded and reshaped at my will is why I wake up every morning. I have the power to recast what stands before me with my own mind. I think that's pretty powerful.
At any rate, I'm usually so extremely fond of reason and logic that I give people the false impression that I have no humanistic soul, that I'm some frigid tyrant who would easily and without remorse harm an infant without a blink. Perhaps I might be colder than most people, and perhaps I could cast icy judgment on individuals I deem guilty of some violation, but people often assume that because I'm cold and principled, that I have no value in humanity, which is false.
I champion a person's right to live how they want — of
lifestyles. I am liberal in that sense. I also champion many other important individual freedoms which people should bear. And, most importantly, I champion the little guys: the poor, the working class, the downtrodden and oppressed social creatures. I am for the underdog and against any oppressor. I value ethics and I take it very seriously when people are taken advantage of by those who are more manipulative and strong, brutish and intimidating.
Most importantly, one of my highest passions is music. Along with thinking, listening to, enjoying, and creating music is an activity which I couldn't live without. It's so stimulating and intellectually intriguing. It's world full of so many different emotions and one's imagination can get lost for days in these aural atmospheres. I enjoy much emotional music, even if I am fond of classical and neoclassical music (Bach, Mozart, Malmsteen, for instance). Hence, I can appreciate wonderful musical structures, even if there's little emotion, but more logical workings going on. Or, I can appreciate very emotional music (Beethoven, Chopin, and John Lennon). Some of my favorite songs are emotional in nature: John Lennon's Jealous Guy, Beautiful Boy, Mother, and my favorite song of all time Imagine. And notice that my favorite song is essentially an international anthem for the celebration of humanity and life on this planet.
Hence, I am very idealistic. If this isn't proof of humanity, I don't know what is. I imagine worlds better than the current one in which we live. I imagine more happiness. I imagine everyone learning to get along, without open corruption and outright manipulation, suffering, and struggling. I imagine a world without poverty; a rational world full of intellect, beauty, and wonderful things. I imagine a re-awakening, much in the same way that the Renaissance was such an awakening. In short, I imagine a better world.
Sure, I should've also included some of this in my description, but as you said, we INTP's do tend to eschew out humanistic side. I suppose that is a very important critical aspect of what I've written, and perhaps I should revise it when I have time, and include some more humanistic aspects about myself.
I clearly care a lot about others, and the world as whole. I want people to be happy and for life to flourish in peace, without conflict or war, or destruction. Yet, I don't get along with people, and that's the most ironic aspect of it all.... So, I look at humans from a detached distance, sharing in their fears and desires, without really crying and cheering along side them, but instead from afar.
Hopefully this answers what you were asking.