I for one was expecting to get a personal theory of how humans interact, and your view of what it all boils down to.
Because I feel like it:
1. We are FAR more similar than most of us think. There is nothing particularly special about the vast majority of people, even though the vast majority of people think there is something special about them or special rules apply to them.
2. Know yourself, and you will know other people. Know other people, and you will know yourself. This follows from "we are highly similar."
3. People aren't immune to certain emotions - all people feel all emotions. There is no "overcoming fear," "I don't get jealous," "I don't care what anyone thinks about me," "I don't feel pride," or "I never worry." If you believe any of those things or something similar, you have delusions of grandeur and need to take a closer and more honest look at yourself. You are human like everyone else. People want to pick and choose which emotions they experience, and that is BS.
4. Following from my assertion that
no one is immune to what other people think, you are NOT being true to yourself if you do not submit to others to some extent. You simply refuse to let the notion that you are better than everyone else go. Making insignificant concessions to people helps your standing with them, increases your confidence, and allows you to
better express your true self. Yes, I said it. People who submit to others to a small degree have more integrity than those who don't, because those who don't are stubborn, dishonest, and sanctimonious. When people react better to you, you react better to people. Period. If no one respects you because you are an emaciated and pale pencil pusher who clearly has nothing useful to say to anyone and yet still think you are a genius, it isn't surprising that you don't like to make chit-chat with them.
5. Life's a game, and there are winners and losers. Winners know they are winners, and have pride. Losers know they are losers, but don't admit it to themselves, and are bitter. You know what you need to do to win, because everyone is programmed for successful passing on of genetic information. It's pretty much instinctual. Beyond basic survival needs, ALL people want to find love, to be loved, to love their family, to be popular, to be wealthy, to be important, and to be creative. People who deny these desires in themselves merely find ways to achieve these objectives in a crooked manner. The family drunk makes himself important to others by forcing them to try to save him. That pretty much says it all.
5a. Guys in a nutshell: want as much pussy as possible, and it needs to be HOT pussy. Guys want the hot babe in a string bikini, if not many of them. They also want to make lots of money and have lots of power. They are best served by vigorously educating themselves, getting lots of muscle and endurance, making as much money as possible and otherwise securing the futures of their loves ones, obtaining and
maintaining a territory, and developing talents and skills such as playing an instrument, drawing, knowing mechanics, outdoor skills, playing games and sports, telling jokes and thrilling or funny stories, etc. etc. etc. Oh, and getting as many
bad ass weapons as is humanly possible.
5b. Girls in a nutshell: being a guy, I can't be as vivid about what girls want, but I do know that girls generally have no idea what they want, so you shouldn't listen to a list made by them unless they are really damn smart and down to earth. Isn't there some saying.... "if you want to be an alpha male, take everything girls say they want and do the exact opposite?" Yeah, it's funny because it's true. Girls, I guess, want in men what I said men are best served by developing in themselves. Dazzling intellect, big muscles, money and security, power, talent, charisma. Girls are best served by spending inordinate amounts of time on their beauty--that alone will have men crawling at their feet, and men are what they want. They should also, though, spend no less time educating themselves, gaining importance in the community or world, developing talents (perhaps a different set in general), and so on.
6. People (I mean ALL INDIVIDUAL people) are concerned with religion, whether they love it or hate it, and always have been. Just gonna leave that there.